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Un Lit, Seuil des Temps!
Un Lit, Seuil des Temps!
Un Lit, Seuil des Temps!
Livre électronique45 pages37 minutes

Un Lit, Seuil des Temps!

Évaluation : 0 sur 5 étoiles


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À propos de ce livre électronique

Rose est au courant pour des voyages dans le temps. Elle a des centaines de livres sur le sujet à sa portée parce qu’elle est bibliothécaire. Néanmoins, elle ne s’attend pas à rencontrer un vrai voyageur dans le temps, surtout lorsqu’il arrive dans son lit !

Date de sortie8 févr. 2012
Un Lit, Seuil des Temps!

Suzy Stewart Dubot

An Anglo/American who has lived in France for nearly 40 years, she began writing as soon as she retired. She moved to London in 2012 and spent more than a year there with family. The spring of 2014, she returned to France, Her laptop has never had any trouble following her.Before retiring, she worked at a variety of jobs. Some of the more interesting have been : Art and Crafts teacher, Bartender, Marketing Assistant for N° 1 World Yacht Charterers (Moorings), Beaux Arts Model, Secretary to the French Haflinger Association...With her daughters, she is a vegetarian and a supporter of animal rights! She is also an admirer of William Wilberforce.(If you should read her book 'The Viscount's Midsummer Mistress' you will see that she has devoted some paragraphs to the subject in Regency times.)PLEASE BE KIND ENOUGH TO LEAVE A REVIEW FOR ANY BOOK YOU READ (hers included).

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    Un Lit, Seuil des Temps! - Suzy Stewart Dubot

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