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American Love Songs (Français)
American Love Songs (Français)
American Love Songs (Français)
Livre électronique349 pages5 heures

American Love Songs (Français)

Évaluation : 4 sur 5 étoiles



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À propos de ce livre électronique

Jake Brenner trouve qu’il y a bien trop d’hommes à séduire pour tomber amoureux – ou c’est en tout cas ce qu’il prétend. En plus, il est bien trop occupé avec son groupe, les Wayward Sons, pour laisser une place à la romance. Sa réticence n’a rien à voir avec le béguin gênant qu’il a pour Chris, chanteur du groupe et jadis son meilleur ami. Mais tout ça, c’est avant que le vagabond et énigmatique Parker McAvoy, soit engagé comme nouveau guitariste.

Il peut cacher son attirance envers le timide et adorable Parker un moment, mais le désir de faire quelque chose à ce sujet devient impossible à ignorer. Le problème, c’est que Parker sait tout de l’inconstance sentimentale de Jake… et, ah oui, il n’est pas gay. En tout cas, c’est ce que Jake pense, jusqu’à ce qu’un enchaînement d’événements étranges le fasse peut-être changer d’avis. Peut-il convaincre Parker d’oublier son passé difficile et de lui donner une chance, ou cette chanson d’amour va-t-elle se terminer avant même d’avoir commencé ?

Date de sortie14 juin 2016
American Love Songs (Français)

Ashlyn Kane

Ashlyn Kane likes to think she can do it all, but her follow-through often proves her undoing. Her house is as full of half-finished projects as her writing folder. With the help of her ADHD meds, she gets by. An early reader and talker, Ashlyn has always had a flare for language and storytelling. As an eight-year-old, she attended her first writers’ workshop. As a teenager, she won an amateur poetry competition. As an adult, she received a starred review in Publishers Weekly for her novel Fake Dating the Prince. There were quite a few years in the middle there, but who’s counting? Her hobbies include DIY home decor, container gardening (no pulling weeds), music, and spending time with her enormous chocolate lapdog. She is the fortunate wife of a wonderful man, the daughter of two sets of great parents, and the proud older sister/sister-in-law of the world’s biggest nerds. Sign up for her newsletter at www.ashlynkane.ca/newsletter Website: www.ashlynkane.ca

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Évaluation : 3.8837208744186045 sur 5 étoiles

43 notations6 avis

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  • Évaluation : 3 sur 5 étoiles
    2.5 stars. It's not a terrible story and the writing is fine, but I just can't connect to the characters. Also if there is going to be a romance (I'm giving up at 50%) I have no clue who it will involve. At this point I'm just bored with the story and want to move on.
  • Évaluation : 5 sur 5 étoiles
    This book was absolutely adorable. I loved both Parker and Jake and the light fluffiness of this read. I think it was exactly what I was in the mood for when I picked it up.

    The plot is pretty straightforward, two boys in a band fall in love. Not all of it was believable, but that didn't really matter because I just genuinely liked these guys. I wanted them to get together and I wanted to watch the success of their band as well.

    I would definitely recommend this book, especially if you are looking for a lighter read with limited angst. If you've never tried the m/m romance genre before, this might be a good book to start with.
  • Évaluation : 5 sur 5 étoiles
    I liked how the story allowed the relationship between Parker and Jake to develop slowly and naturally. I also enjoyed the humor and the way the "story" was broken up with blog posts and news articles. This was a fun and sweet read.
  • Évaluation : 4 sur 5 étoiles
    Rock Star romance books are rather hard to find, and if you do find some there is rarely any good story around the "hot sex" and "oh he's a star!" mentality.

    But this book actually has a plot and I enjoyed how we get to see the band as it is discovered and make makes their way into stardom.

    I will not go into detail, but what was really unique was the reason for Parker's secret. I have not seen that perspective yet in any of the male/male romances I have read.

    Overall, a good book and a good romance.

  • Évaluation : 5 sur 5 étoiles
    A classic great rock band love story. Jacob and Parker are adorable. Wonderful story. Highly recommend. (If your a fan of Red Tainted Silence, The Missing Butterfly, The Curtis Reincarnation, and the Heaven Series you'll be right at home:)4.75 stars
  • Évaluation : 4 sur 5 étoiles
    It's been a while since I re-read this, and while I didn't fall in love with the guys the way I remember doing before, I did enjoy it. The whole vibe of the book is very fun and relaxed.