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La Vagabonde
La Vagabonde
La Vagabonde
Livre électronique247 pages3 heures

La Vagabonde

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À propos de ce livre électronique

Vierra est une jeune femme entêtée des sombres contrées du nord. Sa vie est sur le point de prendre un virage drastique, quand les hommes et les esprits essayent de lui enlever tout ce qu’elle a de plus cher.

Mais Vierra ne laissera pas sa vie se consumer dans les flammes et le chaos. Avec une volonté de fer, un esprit aiguisé et un but mortel, elle ne renoncera pas avant d’avoir utilisé toutes ses ressources.

Le sort, cependant, réserve encore des surprises à la jeune femme. Elle va devenir La Vagabonde: celle qui erre dans le monde connu à la recherche de sa destinée. Vierra réussira-t-elle à trouver son chemin, en ces temps d'agitation, à surmonter les nombreuses adversités et les ennemis auxquels elle est confrontée, et à revendiquer ce qui lui appartient?

La Vagabonde de Petteri Hannila est un roman fantastique historique, profondément enraciné dans l'histoire scandinave et les mythes antiques païens; Un conte de châtiment et de survie.

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Date de sortie19 sept. 2023
La Vagabonde

Petteri Hannila

My interest towards speculative fiction started at the ripe age of eight, when I found out about Tarzan of Edgar Rice Burroughs and thus entered a lifetime of reading dashing adventures in far away, even impossible locations. In my teens I started to play tabletop role-playing games, a hobby that has strongly influenced my writing. Nowadays I dabble with both playing and designing games. My fiction mainly consists of short stories, some of which have been published in Finnish genre magazines. I published my first novel, "Kaukamoinen" in 2013 and translated it as an indie translation project on the same year. Resulting "The Fargoer" is my only internationally published novel so far. My writing is heavily influenced by pulp fantasy writers such as Robert E. Howard, as well as Finnish myths and legends of old, but I don't shun away from science fiction either. I continues to write in various projects, which consist of a role-playing game called "Tales of Entropy" to be published in 2017 and a project "Writing with Games", a venture in combining story-gaming with fiction writing. I am a software designer by trade, yet when I entered into indie publishing I wanted to learn how to create the book layouts by myself. After my brother founded Creativia, I happily joined in and have, when writing this, created layouts for over 400 books both in electronic and paper versions. I live in Central Finland with my family and enjoy martial arts when I have time in my super-busy schedule.

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    La Vagabonde - Petteri Hannila

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