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Inbetween episode 2
Inbetween episode 2
Inbetween episode 2
Livre électronique23 pages17 minutes

Inbetween episode 2

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The episode 2 arrives when Rachel met the old man in the hospital and he doesn't want to explain why he has been injured.

Rachel explained to the Superintendant Bion the situation and how she found the old man's apartment. Bion is cool because he is in confidence in Rachel's qualities. Her empathy could help to understand better the old man.

Date de sortie17 déc. 2013
Inbetween episode 2

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    Aperçu du livre

    Inbetween episode 2 - MALVINA TEDGUI

    A Serial



    Copyright © 2012, Paris, France

    Distributed by XinXii

    MALVINA TEDGUI Psychoanalyst Novelist

    Graphic designer by Hélène Marian-Srodogora

    Translated from the French by Tania Doney

    IT Developer by Raphaël Wach

    Press contact : valibrement@hotmail.fr

    Second Episode

    Summary :

    Albert Galan, an old man of eighty, has been attacked in his home. Rachel, a retired psychoanalyst and friend of Superintendent Bion, has been given responsibility for the investigation, but she has found herself hindered by the old man’s refusal to talk. She is visiting his devastated apartment.


    Victoire began to sort the photos ; she would look at the letters later. At first, she had sorted them by age, but it quickly became apparent that the system was ineffective.

    Every photo had to be scrutinised. Certain signs showed that a particular face belonged to a particular father, a particular mother, a particular brother or sister, the similarity of a look, a habitual gesture found in several examples.

    Certain clues indicated that these people were linked. She had made several types of classification. It was rare for people in a family to be the same age, except for twins, but they were often photographed together. Were that not the case, there being fewer of them, he would be easy to

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