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Inbetween episode 6
Inbetween episode 6
Inbetween episode 6
Livre électronique19 pages12 minutes

Inbetween episode 6

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À propos de ce livre électronique

You are eighty-four years old. You are finally savouring the freedom that comes with age. What can anyone do to an old man? And what do you have to fear, other than man's common fate?

Unless you are Albert Galan and you are one of those men who has shaped his life rather than simply living it. You have negotiated the years of the last century and you cannot imagine concluding your life – a life that has been all about decision and determination – without leaving the world you are a part of something that obsesses you and to which you have never, in all this time, found a solution.

What Albert Galan doesn't know, but is going, reluctantly, to discover, is that his obsession is of interest to certain men in the East, Ukranians and Europeans, who don't want his past to resurface. Ukraine wants to join Europe, the Europeans want the same thing, the Russians are against it.

Albert Galan will find himself caught up in the middle of opposing national interests and he will feel the power of sovereign states brought to bear on individual history. There are those who will not hesitate to use force or even to threaten his life.

This is how he finds himself badly beaten in hospital where he will meet Rachel, a retired psychoanalyst working for her friend Superintendent Bion.

But Albert Galan has built his life alone and he is not a man to confide in others or to let them make decisions for him. He knows his objective, which concerns no-one but him, and nothing is going to stop him.

Faced with his refusal to talk, Rachel is troubled, but decides to protect the old man despite himself and to gain his trust. Strangely, Rachel is affected by this man's quest. The empathy that is a part of her character takes on a more particular, a more personal hue.

A notion of humanity, perhaps?

Whatever it is, will she be able to help the old man, against his wishes, and, in her turn, foil the state powers so that Albert Galan can finally end his life as he has lived it?

About the author:
Malvina TEDGUI has already written 3 others books. She is wellknown as a good writer and Rachel, her heroin, is between the Mentalist and Sherlock Holmes.
Date de sortie17 déc. 2013
Inbetween episode 6

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    Aperçu du livre

    Inbetween episode 6 - MALVINA TEDGUI


    Fifth Phase

    So, for the lady, a black coffee and a croissant and for the gentleman two croissants and a white coffee.

    - ‘That’s right, thank you very much.’

    - ‘It’s nice this brasserie. It’s early, a little chilly, but it’s nice.’

    Rachel and Donald were sitting at one of the outside tables, on the heated terrace, in a position where they could take in the whole square at a glance.

    Rachel chose not to respond to Donald’s prickly and obviously meaningful comment. She knew him well by now and so she knew that his bad mood was only fleeting.

    Feeling the pressure of her investigation, she had turned down his morning advances. Nevertheless, he had wanted to accompany her, hoping that they could then go on to the Drouot auction rooms, where he had all but given up hope of finding the complement to a solid silver lid, buried for far too long in one of the enormous pockets of his raincoat.

    He was looking for the recipient, of which there could be no

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