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Frank Zappa - Trouble Everyday

Frank Zappa - Trouble Everyday

DeUn Dernier Disque avant la fin du monde

Frank Zappa - Trouble Everyday

DeUn Dernier Disque avant la fin du monde

82 minutes
30 oct. 2022
Épisode de podcast


Bien sûr s'il s'agissait d'un épisode sur Indochine le titre aurai été: the torture never stops.
J'espère que vous allez aimer: 1h20!!! il fallait bien ça pour raconter la genèse du jeune Frank Zappa.
J'ai quand même réussi à parler de Johnny Otis à un moment!
Cpt Diligaf

The Penguins, “Earth Angel”
Don Julian and the Meadowlarks, “Heaven and Paradise”
Little Julian Herrera, “Those Lonely, Lonely, Nights”
Little Julian Herrera and the Tigers, “I Remember Linda”
Baby Ray and the Ferns, “How’s Your Bird?”
Spike Jones and his City Slickers, “Cocktails for Two”
Spike Jones and his City Slickers, “William Tell Overture”
The Crows, “Gee”
Johnny “Guitar” Watson, “Three Hours Past Midnight”
Edgard Varese, “Ionisation”
Edgard Varese, “Ecuatorial”
The Jewels, “Angel in My Life”
Edgard Varese, “Deserts”
Igor Stravinsky, “The Rite of Spring”
Anton Webern, “Symphony op. 21”
Little Richard, “Directly From My Heart to You”
Frank Zappa and Captain Beefheart, “Lost in a Whirlpool”
Frank Zappa, “Run Home Slow Theme”
Baby Ray and the Ferns, “The World’s Greatest Sinner”
The Surfaris, “Wipe Out”
The PAL Studio Band, “Never on Sunday”
The Hollywood Persuaders, “Tijuana Surf”
The Hollywood Persuaders, “Grunion Run”
Ned and Nelda, “Hey Nelda”
The PAL Studio Band, “Masked Grandma”
The PAL Studio Band, “Why Don’t You Do Me Right?”
The Penguins, “Memories of El Monte”
Pink Floyd, “Speak to Me”
The Soots, “Tiger Roach”
Frank Zappa, “I Was a Teenage Maltshop”
The Mothers, “Hitch-Hike”
Roy Estrada and the Rocketeers, “Jungle Dreams”
Jimmy Carl Black and the Mannish Boys, “Stretch Pants”
The Mothers, “Plastic People”
Summer’s Children, “Milk and Honey”
Eric Dolphy, “Hat and Beard”
The Mothers of Invention, “Trouble Every Day”
Lily of the Valley, “I Had a Sweet Dream”
The Mothers of Invention, “Trouble Every Day”
The Mothers of Invention, “Any Way the Wind Blows”
The Mothers of Invention, “Who Are the Brain Police?”
The Mothers of Invention, “Return of the Son of Monster Magnet”
30 oct. 2022
Épisode de podcast

Titres dans cette série (75)

J'ai plus appris d'un titre de trois minutes que je n'ai appris à l'école. We learned more from a three-minute record, baby Than we ever learned in school Bruce Springsteen Some kids like watching Saturday cartoons Some girls listen to records all day in their rooms Rickie Lee Jones Pour soutenir le Podcast : https://www.patreon.com/undernierdisque