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Livre électronique174 pages2 heures


Évaluation : 5 sur 5 étoiles



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À propos de ce livre électronique

Depuis qu’Olivia a découvert que sa jumelle perdue, Ivy, est une vampire, elle dévore toutes les informations qu’Ivy lui donne sur la communauté des vampires de Franklin Grove. Tout est ultra secret et Olivia a juré de ne jamais en parler à qui que ce soit, mais maintenant, la journaliste de tabloïds Serena Star a commencé à fouiner partout. Alors qu’elle est de plus en plus près de découvrir la vérité, c’est à Ivy et à Olivia de la détourner. Ceci est une nouvelle in-croc-yable qui ne doit pas se répandre!
Date de sortie21 juin 2012

Sienna Mercer

Sienna Mercer lives in Toronto, Canada, with her two cats, Calypso and Angel. She does most of her writing in her attic, surrounded by photos she’s taken on her travels. She doesn’t have a twin sister, but always wished that she did.

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Évaluation : 5 sur 5 étoiles

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  • Évaluation : 5 sur 5 étoiles
    This was a fangtastic book! Of course not much changed except for the fact that a (anoying) news reporter tried to prove that vampires exist! Yes, this reporter's name was Serena Star and her "motto" was, "The star of truth must shine!" (lame) Anyway, throughout this book Serena keeps snooping around and seeing evidence. As good as this news is no one can find out! It's the First Law of Night (no vampires are allowed to tell humans that they really truely exist). Even though Ms.Star knows real facts, Ivy and (her twin) Olivia have to trow her off track. If they do this then, hopefully, she won't spill a word. Oh, no no no. THey must not know who she is, because Serena will fight to the end, just to get the truth out there! This is going to be a lot of work for a couple of teens. Luckly, they have their friends on their side (since some are vampires). Coming up with plans is not so easy with a news reporter sneaking around every corner.Yes, in the end Serena Star turns out looking crazy infront of the (LiVE!) camera, trying to get Ivy to cough up the truth. Serena Star, being a desparate lunatic, gives Ivy a glass of holy water and holding out the bible(thinking that she'll burn into a million pieces), like that's going to happen (only happens in movies and it's a myth). Luckly before Serena used even more anti-vampire stuff, Olivia and Ivy (being identica twins) switch places (while Serena is distracted) and fool Ms.Star once and for all (Olivia had to even eat garlic, disguised as Ivy, to prove to Serena that vampires don't exist, and that it's all in her head). Like a four-leaf clover, the sisters ha good luck, because the secret was never told on the news after all.I thought this is book was literally packed with surprises and cameras in the pages (Serena Star is a lady who believes that the truth must be heard, and won't let anything get in her way if it doesn't). Keeping secrets isn't isn't a really hard thing to do. It's having to trick people to think that there is no secret. 'Hide', that would be a nice word to describe what Olivia and Ivy have to do (DON'T TELL ANY ONE THAT VAMPiRES EXIST!). But, that sneaky sneaky, news lady just doesn't give up without a fight. It's actually funny at some things the charactes in this book have to do to trick Serena Star. Especially, when it's all fake and she falls for it. What a book!
  • Évaluation : 5 sur 5 étoiles
    I am giving this book a 5 star cause I got it at my school library and I have been reading it !!!I think it is amazing .I am a big rater on books .I say this is one heck of a book .I love this book !!! My fav.