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Le Saint: Les Gangs de Boston
Le Saint: Les Gangs de Boston
Le Saint: Les Gangs de Boston
Livre électronique377 pages4 heures

Le Saint: Les Gangs de Boston

Évaluation : 4 sur 5 étoiles



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À propos de ce livre électronique


Sur le sentier de la guerre, il y a trois règles simples à respecter.

1. Connaître son ennemi

2. Être prêt au sacrifice
3. Toujours porter de bonnes chaussures

Après tout, la vengeance est un plat qui se sert en talons hauts.

J'ai l'œil pour ce genre de choses, et rien ne se mettra en travers de mon chemin.

Pas même Rory Brodrick, le Saint. 
Il se trompe s'il croit pouvoir me changer. Quand j'en aurai fini avec lui, je ferai passer sa mafia pour un jeu d'enfants.

Tu me cherches, Monsieur Brodrick ?
Croix de bois, croix de fer, si tu mens, vas en enfer !


Je suis un combattant. Un arnaqueur. Un gangster.

J'ai vu tout un tas de choses dans ma vie.

Mais je n'ai jamais rencontré quelqu'un comme elle.

C'est une belle au cœur de bête. La pomme empoisonnée à laquelle je suis incapable de résister. Et dans son sillage, tous les hommes rampent à ses pieds.

Ce qu'elle ignore, c'est que j'aime les femmes fougueuses.

C'est d'autant plus intéressant de les dompter.


Dans ce roman indépendant, vous trouverez des gangsters irlandais torrides en abondance.

Les Gangs de Boston sont une série de six romans qui peuvent être lus dans l'ordre ou indépendamment les uns des autres. Certains personnages se croisent et si vous préférez les lire à la suite, l'ordre de lecture recommandé est le suivant : Le Corbeau, Le Faucheur, Le Fantôme, Le Saint, Le Bandit, Le Jeune Loup

Date de sortie26 sept. 2019
Le Saint: Les Gangs de Boston

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Avis sur Le Saint

Évaluation : 4.15625 sur 5 étoiles

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  • Évaluation : 5 sur 5 étoiles
    4.5 "Vigilante Justice Queen Meets Her Mafia Prince" Stars & 5 Stars for the narration!Lovers of tough as nails heroines and mafia romances are in for a treat when listening to the Saint! Not only can you count on a fast-paced, action filled story with plenty of heat filled scenes, but the heroine, in particular, is one of my favorite kinds of heroines: feisty and truly able to defend herself. The fact that a hero comes along who wants to help her save the day, just makes the story that much sweeter. Moreover, the top-notch narration by Tracy Marks makes this a romance that is a great title to experience in audio format. Scarlett's life drastically changed when the man she was supposed to marry, her then college boyfriend, took advantage of her and allowed her to be brutally violated as part of a fraternity hazing admission ritual. Unable to continue living her previously privileged and "perfect" life, Scarlett breaks all ties with her family and friends and leaves it all behind. In her new life, vowing to help other victims, Scarlett poses as a call girl and teaches men who beat and violate women her own brand of justice. Rory (aka "Saint") is a member of the Irish mob. Having had a rough life, he is happy to finally have a band of brothers that he would defend to the death. After Scarlett catches his eye, he hopes to expand his circle to include her in his band of protection. But Scarlett is a tough girl to attract, and she keeps resisting his advances. When it becomes clear, however, that the past has caught up with Scarlett and her life is in danger, Rory vows not to take "no" for an answer both as to her protection and his quest to seek her love. But can Rory keep Scarlett (his "Satan") safe and in his arms when she is determined to remain independent at all costs? Heaven and hell have never had so much fun mixing together!Tracy Marks does a remarkable job narrating Saint. Having never listened to her before, I wasn't sure what to expect. However, Ms. Marks way exceeded my expectations! Moreover, this was not an easy audiobook to narrate. With numerous accents to play, including both Boston and Irish accents as well as Scarlett's tricky dialogues which required increasing and dialing back the intensity of her accent, Ms. Marks proved her great range and attention to detail. Ms. Marks also convincingly was able to create both female and male sounding characters and differentiated even characters of the same sex. As Saint is an ACX produced title, I think it is also worth noting that the production quality of the audiobook was superb and on par with those produced by the large audiobook publishers. All in all, I really enjoyed the character development in Saint as well as the action and romance. In particular I found the heroine memorable and the hero swoon worthy with his alpha nature and yet ability to bend to accommodate his heroine's needs. Now I can't wait to catch-up on listening to more of this series!Source: Review copy provided for review purposes.