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Livre électronique211 pages3 heures


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Confitou est le fils d'une Allemande et d'un Français. Il a huit ans, aime la confiture, les langues, et éprouve un profond respect pour la culture de ses parents, et surtout pour les valeurs pacifistes de son père. Mais en 1916, la guerre bat son plein et Confitou se fait malmener par ses camarades. Tandis que les Allemands envahissent son village, les valeurs de son père sont mises à rude épreuve. Confitou doit choisir: l'Allemagne ou la France?Paru en plein cœur de la Première Guerre mondiale, «Confitou» raconte l'histoire d'un enfant innocent jeté au milieu d'un conflit d'adulte.-
ÉditeurSAGA Egmont
Date de sortie31 mai 2021

Gaston Leroux

Gaston Leroux (1868-1927) was a French journalist and writer of detective fiction. Born in Paris, Leroux attended school in Normandy before returning to his home city to complete a degree in law. After squandering his inheritance, he began working as a court reporter and theater critic to avoid bankruptcy. As a journalist, Leroux earned a reputation as a leading international correspondent, particularly for his reporting on the 1905 Russian Revolution. In 1907, Leroux switched careers in order to become a professional fiction writer, focusing predominately on novels that could be turned into film scripts. With such novels as The Mystery of the Yellow Room (1908), Leroux established himself as a leading figure in detective fiction, eventually earning himself the title of Chevalier in the Legion of Honor, France’s highest award for merit. The Phantom of the Opera (1910), his most famous work, has been adapted countless times for theater, television, and film, most notably by Andrew Lloyd Webber in his 1986 musical of the same name.

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    Confitou - Gaston Leroux

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