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Livre électronique162 pages2 heures


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À propos de ce livre électronique

Avery croit au flirt et aux aventures, pas aux relations sérieuses. Mais quand elle retourne à Bridgewater pour le mariage de sa sœur à Noël, deux cow-boys sexy tentent de la faire changer d'avis sur un sujet qu'elle a toujours évité : l’engagement.

Attention : chaud bouillant ! Embrassez-moi est le dernier livre de la série très sexy où un cow-boy ne suffit pas. Ce livre peut se lire seul et ne contient pas de scènes homme / homme. Ce n’est pas un harem inversé, mais on n’a jamais trop d’un second cow-boy…

ÉditeurVanessa Vale
Date de sortie28 janv. 2019

Vanessa Vale

SIGN UP FOR VANESSA'S MAILING LIST FOR LATEST NEWS and get a FREE book!Just copy and paste the following link into your web browser: http://freeeroticbook.comUSA Today Bestseller of steamy historical westernsWho doesn't love the romance of the old West? Vanessa Vale takes the sensual appeal of rugged cowboys a step further with her bestselling books set in the Montana Territory. They are much more than just sexy historical westerns. They're deliciously naughty reads that sometimes push the boundaries of fantasy. It's pure escapism with quite a few very hot, very alpha cowboys.When she's not writing, Vanessa savors the insanity of raising two boys, is figuring out how many meals she can make with a pressure cooker, and teaches a pretty mean karate class. She considers herself to be remarkably normal, exceedingly introverted and fairly vanilla, which does not explain her steamy stories and her fascination with cowboys, preferably more than one at a time. If that weren't enough, she also writes under the pen name, Vanessa Dare.She lives in the Wild Wild West where there's an endless source of 'research' material.To learn more about Vanessa Vale:Web site- www.vanessavaleauthor.comFollow her on Twitter: @iamvanessavaleKeep up with Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/vanessavaleauthor

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