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Why(r)us le Virus
Why(r)us le Virus
Why(r)us le Virus
Livre électronique21 pages7 minutes

Why(r)us le Virus

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À propos de ce livre électronique

Why(r)us le Virus is the second of three translations of the American book Why(r)us the Virus. Written by Kathleen Finnegan and translated by friends from Europe, this book reassures preschoolers that there will be a time when the pandemic will end, and that it will end because of the precautions taken by children and adults, a

Date de sortie31 déc. 2020
Why(r)us le Virus

Kathleen Finnegan

Kathleen is a dabbler who loves to read, write, and create. A military veteran and engineer who enjoys new technologies, this book was written to help her grandchildren understand why they can't do some of the things they have always done for fun, why they can't visit their grandparents right now, and why it's important to wear masks during the COVID-19 pandemic. Funds raised by it's sale will be donated to a non-profit that supports homeless children.

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    Why(r)us le Virus - Kathleen Finnegan

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