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Impossible lovers
Impossible lovers
Impossible lovers
Livre électronique102 pages58 minutes

Impossible lovers

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CLAIRE is in charge of a jewelry store. FRANK is a small time hood. A jeweler, who dreams of prince charming, holds up as hostage the man who attempted to break her jewelry. CLAIRE, head of jewelry who has just been let down by a lover she hardly knew, believes that work is her one and only way out. Disappointed, despite the late hour, and after a few drinks, she returns to her jewelry, breaking a store policy, she has disabled security and the guards by pretending that she wants to take advantage of the quiet of the night to update her work. At the same moment, a young ex-con who just got thrown out of a bistro and is passing in front of the jewelry store and decides to break in. Rather than call the police or security, CLAIRE let him in.
Date de sortie22 févr. 2013
Impossible lovers

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    Aperçu du livre

    Impossible lovers - Claude Cognard


    Impossible lovers

    Claude Cognard

    Impossible lovers



    70, quai Dion Bouton 92800 Puteaux

    Du même auteur :

    Facebook love, une nouvelle façon d'aimer, Éditions Apopxis, Paris, 2012.

    Universal Spirit, Éditions Patrick Durand-Peyroles, Burneaux 2011.

    Tu es trop vieux, Éditions Patrick Durand-Peyroles, Burneaux 2010.

    Claire, le malheur te va si bien, Théâtre, Éditions Patrick Durand-Peyroles. Burneaux 2009. Préface Serge Avédikian.

    Six femmes pour un home, Théâtre, Éditions Zinedi – FG communication. Paris 2007.

    © Les Éditions du Net, 2013

    ISBN : 978-2-312-00844-8



    By Claude Cognard –

    Translation Claude Cognard.

    Americanization Caroline Jones.

    CLAIRE is in charge of a jewellery store. FRANK is a small time hood. A jeweller, who dreams of prince charming, holds up as hostage the man who attempted to break her jewellery. CLAIRE, head of jewellery who has just been let down by a lover she hardly knew, believes that work is her one and only way out. Disappointed, despite the late hour, and after a few drinks, she returns to her jewellery, breaking a store policy, she has disabled security and the guards by pretending that she wants to take advantage of the quiet of the night to update her work. At the same moment, a young ex-con who just got thrown out of a bistro and is passing in front of the jewellery store and decides to break in. Rather than call the police or security, CLAIRE let him in.

    ACTE I

    CLAIRE slightly drunk, very elegant, small leather bag, hair tied back, several bracelets on each wrist. She wears necklaces and earrings. Shoes with high heels, she throws them behind the counter with a movement of the foot, abandoning her keys on the same counter, while using her mobile phone. She dials a friend’s number - several seconds elapse before she gets an answer.


    Hello! Cindy? It's me, Claire! Did I wake you? Oh, OK... good!! No, Freddy didn’t come! (Nodding her head) Not Freddy or any man, you know me, I ‘m used to being let down. At my age, the guys, you know... it's decided, I draw the line at men and sex. I have my cat; at least she gets laid; she has all the tomcats she wants, and there's no risk; she's been fixed. Lucky fucking cat! Sometimes I wonder why I am not a cat myself... The men? They're all rotten, all the same! I raped one or two of them once, thank goodness! Otherwise, I'd still be a virgin. What? Do you think that Patrick and Serge pounced on me? Hell no! They were real nut cases. What? Not at all! I'm not talking about debauchery! I can't even manage a single man... and, two men, in my bed at the same time, how could I? Be realistic, Cindy! Beautiful? According to you, I would be a beautiful female? At least that's what women say. They must want to please me or I've missed my vocation as a lesbian. Oh my God, you were sleeping! Shit! It's past midnight? Your day was busy? I am so sorry! Disheartened, me? What? No, no bullshit. Where am I now? What do you mean? I'm in the shop, of course. I 'm alone! Alone in a jewellery store overnight is really bullshit. If you say so. Why don’t you come and join me? Who cares about telemonitoring? Of course, I warned the rent-a-cops before I came in, and I told them everything was perfect. I gave them the non-aggression code. They're OK, now, and they'll leave me alone! My father? Don’t speak about what happened to my father? That has nothing to do with my being here! Messing with the jewellery outside of opening hours is a serious issue? You think the CEO will fire me? Well, he can go ahead and fire me, I could care less! At least, here at the store, I feel useful. It's quiet; there are only a few cars on the street... I'll process the special orders, and that will take me a part of the night. Tomorrow is Sunday and then Monday is a bank holiday. What do you think might happen to me? You're afraid that a man might shoot me when I leave? Don't worry; when guys see me, they get scared. If, by any chance, there was one around, I‘d open the door of the jewellery case. What? If I got raped? What do you mean? Well, so

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