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Grand Pierre
Grand Pierre
Grand Pierre
Livre électronique93 pages39 minutes

Grand Pierre

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Farmer Marc was walking across the lower meadow of his
farm, the bright sun warming his face. Rocky, his loyal dog,
was walking by his side, also feeling hot under his black and
dark brown fur. Looking back towards his house and the old
farmhouse being renovated next door, Marc noticed how high
the fir trees were growing, forming the boundary between the
two gardens, a thick hedge heading straight for the sky.
Date de sortie1 nov. 2013
Grand Pierre

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    Grand Pierre - Simon Anthony

    Copyright 2013 Simon Anthony.

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    isbn: 978-1-4907-1535-3 (sc)

    isbn: 978-1-4907-1536-0 (e)

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    For Emma and Jessica

    plus all my family and friends.

    Special thanks to

    Anne-Sophie Aboké for the French translation,

    Laura Hasler for the Chinese translation, and

    Bruce Williams for the illustrations.


    Heading straight for the sky

    A visitor with news

    A tall shadow

    The biggest bird

    Pointant droit vers le ciel

    Un visiteur porteur de nouvelles

    Une grande ombre

    L’oiseau le plus gros





    Heading straight for the sky

    Farmer Marc was walking across the lower meadow of his farm, the bright sun warming his face. Rocky, his loyal dog, was walking by his side, also feeling hot under his black and dark brown fur. Looking back towards his house and the old farmhouse being renovated next door, Marc noticed how high the fir trees were growing, forming the boundary between the two gardens, a thick hedge heading straight for the sky.

    ‘I will have to find some way of stopping those fir trees growing taller,’ Marc said to Rocky, the dog looking up to his master, his tongue hanging from the corner of his mouth, his eyes glancing towards him in agreement. ‘I will ask around the village today and see if anyone has an incredibly long ladder, that’s what I’ll do,’ he continued, sensing that Rocky was no longer interested in the enormous hedge. A split second later he bounded away to see off a fat wood pigeon on a fencepost, who had been sitting there like an overweight king on a throne.


    Rocky barked hoarsely at the pigeon as it quickly took to the air, a stray feather fluttering back towards the ground, only to land on Rocky’s nose, immediately making him sneeze violently like a dropped watering can. Unaffected by his bark, but startled by the unusual noise of his huge sneeze, Marie-Claire, the grandmother of all the milking cows, jumped aside quickly until she realised it was only Rocky. ‘Heavens to mergatroid! Fancy being spooked by a dog!’ she whispered to herself, as she decided to kneel down and lay in the cool shade of the largest apple tree.

    An apple dropped from a low branch, hitting the ground with a thud into a small patch of mud. Surrounding trees all joined in and a number of apples dropped within seconds of each other. Marie-Claire ignored the chorus, while the bruising of each fruit produced a smell of cider around the orchard.

    The middle of the day became very

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