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Cadeau Promis A Tyler: Conte Inspirant, Illustrations Expressives.
Cadeau Promis A Tyler: Conte Inspirant, Illustrations Expressives.
Cadeau Promis A Tyler: Conte Inspirant, Illustrations Expressives.
Livre électronique21 pages6 minutes

Cadeau Promis A Tyler: Conte Inspirant, Illustrations Expressives.

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À propos de ce livre électronique

This is the same story that was written in English with the title "Tyler's Promised Gift", and which won the Mom's Choice Award honoring excellence. Author/illustrator M. C. Abushar has rewritten it in this French edition titled "Cadeau Promis A Tyler." It also includes the identical illustrations found in the English-language edition. Tyler

Date de sortie18 juin 2021
Cadeau Promis A Tyler: Conte Inspirant, Illustrations Expressives.

M. C. Abushar

M. C. Abushar holds a Doctor of Education degree from Pepperdine University at Malibu, California. She served as principal of an elementary parochial school for 19 years. She holds a bachelor's degree in Art. She is currently writing and illustrating more stories about the encounters of Tyler, the heroic rabbit who was introduced in her first children's book, "Tyler's Promised Gift", which was awarded the prestigious "Mom's Choice Award" Honoring Excellence. A recent interview with Dr. M. C. Abushar was posted on the website of "Mom's Choice Awards" and may be viewed by everyone who wishes to read about her background as well as her goals for adult and young readers of her books. https://www.momschoiceawards.com/blog/interview-mc-abushar-award-winning-author-artist-classical-pianist/

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    Cadeau Promis A Tyler - M. C. Abushar

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