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Dans ton ombre: Stark Sécurité
Dans ton ombre: Stark Sécurité
Dans ton ombre: Stark Sécurité
Livre électronique54 pages39 minutes

Dans ton ombre: Stark Sécurité

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Pendant deux longues années, Denise Marshall, agent chez Stark Sécurité, est restée seule, éperdue de chagrin depuis la disparition de son mari. Mais tout change par un jour de Saint-Valentin, quand elle rencontre un homme mystérieux qui semble comprendre ses désirs les plus profonds. 


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Charismatiques. Dangereux. Terriblement Sexy.

Découvrez les hommes de Stark Sécurité.


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Dans Ton Ombre (Préquelle d'en mémoire de nous)

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Date de sortie20 nov. 2020
Dans ton ombre: Stark Sécurité

J. Kenner

J. Kenner (aka Julie Kenner) is the New York Times, USA Today, Publishers Weekly, Wall Street Journal and #1 International bestselling author of over seventy novels, novellas and short stories in a variety of genres. Though known primarily for her award-winning and internationally bestselling romances (including the Stark and Most Wanted series) that have reached as high as #2 on the New York Times bestseller list and #1 internationally, JK has been writing full time for over a decade in a variety of genres including paranormal and contemporary romance, "chicklit" suspense, urban fantasy, and paranormal mommy lit. JK has been praised by Publishers Weekly as an author with a "flair for dialogue and eccentric characterizations" and by RT Bookclub for having "cornered the market on sinfully attractive, dominant antiheroes and the women who swoon for them." A four time finalist for Romance Writers of America's prestigious RITA award, JK took home the first RITA trophy in 2014 for her novel, Claim Me (book 2 of her Stark Trilogy). In her previous career as an attorney, JK worked as a clerk on the Fifth Circuit Court of Appeals, and practiced primarily civil, entertainment and First Amendment litigation in Los Angeles and Irvine, California, as well as in Austin, Texas. She currently lives in Central Texas, with her husband, two daughters, and two rather spastic cats.

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    Dans ton ombre - J. Kenner

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