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Pour Qui File La Comete
Pour Qui File La Comete
Pour Qui File La Comete
Livre électronique214 pages4 heures

Pour Qui File La Comete

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À propos de ce livre électronique

The appearance of a comet in some African beliefs is taken as a bad omen. In the 1960s, appeared in this imaginary land a comet whose shape resembles that of a sword and it can be seen only at dawn. People at once related this appearance with sad events. Soon after the appearance of the comet this land experienced painful events of civil war. Adouma, the main character of the story and son of a Marabout (an Islamic scholar), has attended both schools, Coranic and French. He lived through this troubled period which took place between 1960 and 1990. He waged war and also endured the harms of war. It is an enthralling and moving narrative that combines fantastic story with auto-fiction.
ÉditeurLangaa RPCIG
Date de sortie11 avr. 2017
Pour Qui File La Comete

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    Pour Qui File La Comete - Khalil Alio

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