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Le Grand Meaulnes
Le Grand Meaulnes
Le Grand Meaulnes
Livre électronique262 pages6 heures

Le Grand Meaulnes

Évaluation : 4 sur 5 étoiles



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A la fin du XIXe siecle, par un froid dimanche de novembre, un garçon de quinze ans, François Seurel, qui habite aupres de ses parents instituteurs une longue maison rouge - l'école du village -, attend la venue d'Augustin que sa mere a décidé de mettre ici en pension pour qu'il suive le cours supérieur : l'arrivée du grand Meaulnes a Sainte-Agathe va bouleverser l'enfance finissante de François...

Date de sortie29 juin 2015
Le Grand Meaulnes

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Évaluation : 4 sur 5 étoiles

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  • Évaluation : 2 sur 5 étoiles
    Dear Henri Alain-Fournier,

    Some people claim you had great talent as a novelist. Many more would claim I don't. Is it fair that you died in World War I while I live, free to write this review and feeling like I'm having a bad morning because I didn't have all the usual ingredients for my breakfast shake? Your remains weren't identified until 1991, true, but do you know that without yogurt, steel cut oatmeal, goji berries and banana congeal like pond scum when blended with almond milk? I guess in a way translated works of fiction are like that, lacking an ingredient. Not really fair of me to judge you then, is it? And on top of that, I read somewhere that the Robin Buss translation I have isn't the best.

    I don't know. Maybe I've been prejudiced against anything French because there's been a creepy mime wandering around the farmers' market on Saturdays. With the summer heat, its face make-up starts to melt and peel and it scares my kid and me. Or maybe, having discovered Woody Allen before James Dean, it's because I'm sentimental for my own sort of coming-of-age story. But the truth is, I found your novel sappy. Sappy to the nth degree.

    "And that evening, sobbing, he asked Mademoiselle de Galais for her hand in marriage."


    Some folks describe it as dream-like. Well, I'll meet them halfway and say that it is conducive to a dream-like state, in as much as I found myself wanting to fall asleep as I read it. God! Germany probably invaded France so often to keep from nodding off. Can you blame them? They had all those big philosophical treatises to write, but then kept getting distracted by the latest Twilight prequel. And they would've even read it in the original French because all you Continentals speak five languages!

    I tried to make excuses for you, thinking, "Look at it this way: it's a parable for post-colonial France. They were just coming off that Napoleonic high and had to simultaneously deal with the onset of modernity. It's a simple case of British/penis envy." But even my credulity can only stretch so far.

    Goodbye, Alain-Fournier. Sorry your life was cut short by one of history's celebrated mistakes. Maybe this book will mean something to somebody else. It's going to have the opportunity, because I'm donating it to my library.
  • Évaluation : 3 sur 5 étoiles
    Set in the late 1800s to early 1900s, this story evokes images of life in a very different sort of era. The interwoven tale of the 3 main male protagonists is a bit too wistful for my taste. However, it had a definite effect on me.
  • Évaluation : 3 sur 5 étoiles
    Did not measure up to the French Classic is was/is purported to be. Maybe you have to be French to understand it well. Much of the story was confusing and the characters were poorly developed. It had a lyric quality which was kind of nice, but not enough for me.
  • Évaluation : 4 sur 5 étoiles
    Le Grand MeaulnesAlain-FournierFirst published in 1913, this novel is set in rural France in the last decade of the 19th century. It is a love story and a story of adolescent development, full of irrational and romantic behavior. The narrator is M. Seurel, a student in the upper form, in a rural school headmastered by his father. They accept a boarding student, Meaulnes, soon to be known as Le Grand because of his commanding behavior. He takes the initiative to drive to a rail station to pick up visitors, gets lost in a wood, stumbles across an elaborate wedding party, where he meets the girl of his dreams, and the bridegroom, who is jilted. He cannot find his way back to the setting of the wedding, and it becomes an obsession. After he leaves the school he goes to Paris, unwittingly falls in love with the bride of the jilted bridegroom, but later Seurel solves the mystery of the party, and re-introduces Meaulnes to his original love, whom he marries, then abandons to make amends to the bridegroom. The characters are romantic, the settings are atmospheric, and the story compelling.
  • Évaluation : 4 sur 5 étoiles
    A unique and dream-like book about youthful ardour and longing. The story of Meaulnes and his search for his lost love is unforgettable. Impulsive, reckless and heroic, Meaulnes embodies both romanticism and a search for the elusiveness of the world between childhood and adulthood.(apologies and thanks to James.)
  • Évaluation : 4 sur 5 étoiles
    Le Grand Meaulnes is a romantic coming-of-age tale, a story of friendship, love, and loss. When Augustin Meaulnes arrives at a small French school, he is befriended by François Seurel, the 15-year-old son of the headmaster. François looks up to Meaulnes, who is two years older and both a dreamer and a rebel. The boys nickname him "Le Grande Meaulnes" which the translator explains is similar to the English phrase, "good old Meaulnes." One day, in an act of bravado, Meaulnes gets hold of a carriage, heads off on his own, gets lost, and ultimately finds himself at a very strange wedding feast. There he encounters the most beautiful woman he's ever seen: Yvonne de Galais. The feast breaks up rather abruptly when the groom's fiancee decides not to go through with the wedding. In the confusion, Meaulnes is separated from Yvonne, and he vows to find her again. He embarks on a quest of sorts, leaving François behind to finish his studies. The search for Yvonne takes a circuitous path involving François, a number of other colorful characters, and unexpected connections with the groom from the wedding feast.Le Grand Meaulnes was Alain-Fournier's first novel. Sadly, he was killed in World War I in 1914, just two years after publication. His writing is beautiful; I was instantly transported back to 1890s rural France, where women dried their linen by draping it over the bushes, and men engaged in vigorous debate in the local cafe. The weather and scenery were described in vivid detail, further immersing me in the world of François and his friend Meaulnes:And now, to swoop down from a hill-top into the hollows as if on wings; to see a blurred landscape far ahead divide and make an aisle for you and burst into leaf as you passed; to slip through a village taking everything in at a glance ... Only in dreams had I been wafted on such delightful flights. (p. 139)While there were parts of this book I found a bit bizarre, and others that were slow-moving, overall the writing was so wonderful that I enjoyed it a great deal.
  • Évaluation : 5 sur 5 étoiles
    My husband to be recommended this when I was nineteen. His recommendations were always perfect, unlike me he only read the best! It had a huge and lasting impact on me. Pity about the film "The Wanderer" but then it is often difficult to translate the page to the screen.
  • Évaluation : 5 sur 5 étoiles
    One of the best novels I have ever read. A true masterpiece. A novel about love, dreams, finding love and the dream and realities that come with them.
  • Évaluation : 4 sur 5 étoiles
    The French was difficult, I read it bit by bit very slowly, I needed to have seen the film to help to give me the atmosphere, sense of location, given that, I was eventually caught up in it, wanting to get the story, and having a distant and hazy sense of the quality of the writing, and a somewhat less distant sense of the youthful romanticism, which I seem now to be capable of enjoying. At least, I enjoyed it in this context. Enjoyed? Appreciated, rather, or acknowledged as a serious state of mind, rather than one to be cynically dismissed.
  • Évaluation : 5 sur 5 étoiles
    One of my all time favourites - wonderful & haunting book
  • Évaluation : 5 sur 5 étoiles
    One of the few books to which I have given 5 stars in a long while, Le Grand Meaulnes is likely one of the best books I've read in a very, very long time. Set in France of last century, the story is narrated by one Francois Seurel, the son of the local schoolmaster. Seurel's father takes in a new boy, Augustin Meaulnes, who is also known as "le grand Meaulnes." He's the kid in every group who is fearless and who is looked up to by all of the other kids, and he and Francois become very close friends. On one occasion, he becomes lost, and wandering around in the forest, comes across a very strange scene: in front of a neglected-looking, rather large house, he finds children of all sorts, dressed up in finery of bygone times. It is here that he meets a mysterious girl and falls in love. The festivities end somewhat abruptly; Augustin is given a ride home and once back at the school, he cannot put together where he had just been. He becomes obsessed with finding not only the house, but the girl as well, and this quest lasts into his adulthood. An amazing piece of writing, it is a book to be read and re-read. The characters are alive and vivid, and you can feel what they feel throughout the novel. It is humorous at times, sometimes tragic, but has something that will most likely resonate with anyone with a soul or a memory of your first love.HIGHLY recommended; an incredible book.
  • Évaluation : 3 sur 5 étoiles
    This must be the ultimate adolescent novel.
  • Évaluation : 4 sur 5 étoiles
    In truth, before tackling this book I was expecting something better than I found when I came to the end.Disapointed would be a good description. However, the final part of the book was very intense and sad - a redeeming factor.

Aperçu du livre

Le Grand Meaulnes - Alain-Fournier

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