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Fantômes, Femmes, Et Autres Fantasmes
Fantômes, Femmes, Et Autres Fantasmes
Fantômes, Femmes, Et Autres Fantasmes
Livre électronique248 pages3 heures

Fantômes, Femmes, Et Autres Fantasmes

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À propos de ce livre électronique

FANTÔMES, FEMMES, ET AUTRES PHANTASMES est une collection complète des nouvelles de Stephen Goldin, contenant la plupart des histoires de sa collection antérieure THE LAST GHOST AND OTHER STORIES. (Les histoires «Angel in Black» ont été publiées dans leur propre volume.) Ces histoires vont de l'humour au pathos, et sont un excellent divertissement.

GHOSTS, GIRLS & OTHER PHANTASMS est une collection complète des nouvelles de Stephen Goldin, contenant la plupart des histoires de sa collection antérieure THE LAST GHOST AND OTHER STORIES. Il inclut quelques-unes de ses histoires les plus connues, telles que l'histoire finaliste du Nebula Award «The Last Ghost» et le trop-anthologisé «Sweet Dreams, Melissa . ”La table des matières complète liste:Fais de beaux rêves, Melissa !Les Femmes de l’US SF 193Un lieu charmant à visiterLorsqu’il n’y a pas d’hommes aux alentoursXénophobeConte sinistreDe l’Amour, du libre arbitre, et des Écureuils gris, un Soir d’Été.TêtuSoldat, lève-toi !Le monde où les souhaits se réalisent.Apollyon ex machinaPrélude pour une symphonie de cris à naîtrePortrait de l’artiste en tant que jeune dieuLe dernier fantômeMaisons hantéesLes histoires de ce livre vont de l'humour au pathos et démontrent l'évolution d'un écrivain prolifique dans le domaine de la fiction spéculative. Savourez !

Date de sortie9 avr. 2017
Fantômes, Femmes, Et Autres Fantasmes

Stephen Goldin

STEPHEN GOLDIN is a Nebula Award finalist science fiction and fantasy writer who was born in 1947 in the city of Philadelphia. When he was 13, his parents moved to California and, upon reflection, he decided to accompany them. It was a lucky thing he did, too; otherwise, when he went to college, the commute to UCLA would have been quite difficult. He eventually graduated from UCLA with a Bachelor's degree in Astronomy.His first job out of college was as a civilian space scientist for the U.S. Navy. The urge to write was strong, though, and after several years he left to try writing full time. He only regretted the move every other Thursday, when he would have gotten paid.After several years of genteel poverty, he took a job as writer/editor for a pornographic humor paper, the San Francisco Ball. In retrospect, this was a great crucible; because of deadline pressure, he had to learn to make his writing dirty, funny, and one draft.At about this time, too, he began selling novels on a regular basis. While he has, from time to time, held down other full-time employment (he helped design the Star Trek: The Next Generation computer game "A Final Unity" for Spectrum HoloByte and has also written manuals and game design documents for Maxis), his real love is fiction writing and he continues to pursue it.His first wife was fellow author Kathleen Sky. Their medieval-style wedding was a Saturday morning program item at the 1972 World Science Fiction Convention in Los Angeles. In the 10+ years of their marriage, in addition to their individual works, they collaborated on a pair of stories ("Painting the Roses Red" and "The Devil Behind the Leaves") about the diMedicis, a family of interstellar swindlers.Mr. Goldin's current wife is fellow author Mary Mason. Their wedding took place the night before EclectiCon 1 in Sacramento, at which Mr. Goldin was the Guest of Honor. They currently live in the San Francisco East Bay area. So far they have co-authored two books in the Rehumanization of Jade Darcy series: Jade Darcy and the Affair of Honor and Jade Darcy and the Zen Pirates. More books in this series are planned.Mr. Goldin is an atheist whose interests include Broadway show albums and surrealist art. He has lived with cats virtually all his adult life.Mr. Goldin served the Science Fiction and Fantasy Writers of America as editor of the SFWA Bulletin and as SFWA's Western Regional Director.

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