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The Park Bench
The Park Bench
The Park Bench
Livre électronique43 pages13 minutes

The Park Bench

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À propos de ce livre électronique

This is a bilingual book in English and French! Ce livre est bilingue, en anglais et français !

There was once a park bench made of sympathetic wood and friendly iron... Il était une fois un banc du parc conçu avec du bois compatissant et du fer amical...

Charmingly illustrated by Alina Burgun, this is the story of a park bench who wants to be friends with everyone who sits on it, and who wishes to help these new friends when they get into trouble. And although the carpenter who made the bench did not give it ears or a mouth, with its positive energy, the bench succeeds — only to find itself without a friend in its own time of need...

This ebook also includes the opening scene to Freddy Fang, a new series from Cristofer Edward coming fall 2014.

Date de sortie1 sept. 2014
The Park Bench

Cristofer Edward

Born in Oregon's beautiful Willamette Valley, where he also grew up and went to college, Cristofer Edward has lived abroad since graduating. After a few stopoffs in Italy, he has now settled down in France, making a home for himself in the marvelous Alsace region. There he spends his days working on his children's books, young adult fiction, and short stories, as well as finding a few moments to teach English to the young and not-so-young.In college, Cristofer studied creative writing and dabbled in freelance journalism, and published many short stories and poems on a local level. Since leaving, he has notably published a bilingual children's book, The Park Bench, along with illustrator Alina Burgun, and is now working on several new projects.Look for the first installments of Freddy Fang and Max & Maxime to come fall 2014.

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    Aperçu du livre

    The Park Bench - Cristofer Edward

    Once upon a time a bench made of sympathetic wood and friendly iron sat in a green, grassy park in a town not so different from your own. People were happy when they sat on it and did not worry about bad things happening, such as a car door slamming on a finger or a passerby stepping on a favorite toy.

    The carpenter who made the bench did not give it ears or a mouth, but it seemed to listen to those who sat on it as if it was their friend, and it seemed to know just the right things to say.

    Il était une fois un banc conçu avec du bois compatissant et du fer amical qui se trouvait dans un beau parc vert d’une ville pas si différente de la vôtre. Quand les gens s’asseyaient sur lui, ils étaient heureux et oubliaient leurs malheurs, tels que la porte d’une voiture claquant sur un doigt ou un passant marchant par inadvertance sur un jouet préféré.

    Le menuisier qui fabriqua le banc ne lui avait donné ni oreilles ni bouche. Pourtant, le banc semblait écouter ceux qui s’asseyaient sur lui, comme s’il était leur ami, et il semblait pouvoir trouver les mots qui réconfortent.

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