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Upgrading your skills with excel: Professional Training
Upgrading your skills with excel: Professional Training
Upgrading your skills with excel: Professional Training
Livre électronique182 pages47 minutes

Upgrading your skills with excel: Professional Training

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À propos de ce livre électronique

Excel makes life easier because its powerful functions are easily accessible. With the spreadsheet you can handle numbers, dates, formulas or simply text. This book will be an asset to improve your skills by learning more complex functions and finally to save a lot of time. The examples presented in this manual will help you to analyse data better. Do not hesitate to test them in order to discover excel's strengths. It reflects real management situations. You can reproduce them with all Excel versions.
Accessible to all, this manual guides you, step by step, to increase your knowledge.
Date de sortie7 avr. 2021
Upgrading your skills with excel: Professional Training

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    Upgrading your skills with excel - Rémy Lentzner



    Calculating rightly

    Excel is usualy dedicated to calculations and thanks to its various functions and formulas, it renders countless services.

    1.1 The working environment and formulas

    Excel provides several menus and icons bars to work with. A set of sheets named Sheet1, Sheet2, Sheet3, etc are available. These sheets (also called tabs) can be renamed with the right-click. Each time Excel is started, a blank workbook with 3 sheets opens. You can switch from one sheet to another by simply clicking on the sheet name. Figure 1.1 shows the menu.

    Figure 1.1 : The Excel menu

    Figure 1.2 shows the working environment.

    Figure 1.2 : The working window.

    A sheet has 1,048,576 rows and the last column is XFD. The columns are labelled from left to right and arranged alphabetically: A, B, C,.....Z, AA, AB, AC,......,AZ, BA....BZ, CA.. CZ....XA..XFD (16224 columns).

    The address A3 is the intersection of the fisrt column and the third row.

    The address A6:A10 is a range of cells from A6 to A10.

    A cell can receive a numerical value, a text, a date and the the result of a formula. You can insert a comment (right-click) to describe its content. The comment can be deleted at any time.

    When you enter a value in a cell, you can change it either by double-clicking it or by pressing the F2 key. A formula always starts with the = sign or the + sign. You could write in the cell A1 the simple formula =56*2 that would make Excel look like a nice calculator. But Excel is structured to calculate with cell addresses rather than with simple values, like =A3+A9 or

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