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Google Docs Online: Professional Training
Google Docs Online: Professional Training
Google Docs Online: Professional Training
Livre électronique172 pages1 heure

Google Docs Online: Professional Training

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This book provides an overview of the possibilities that may interest you if you need to work with this word processor Online. You will learn how to improve the text entry, the pages layout and the features around the headers and footers. You will discover the styles that help in the case of long documents and enables you to create the table of contents automatically.
This book outlines techniques for manipulating drawings and graphics. You'll find that forms can be an asset if you need to create online questionnaires. If you want to go further, Google Docs allows you to install add-ons and specific tools.
Date de sortie31 mars 2021
Google Docs Online: Professional Training

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    Aperçu du livre

    Google Docs Online - Rémy Lentzner


    Chapter 1


    This chapter deals with the Google Docs environment, its different menus and available options. A word processor enables you to manage text within a margin group. By modifying the existing settings, you can present your documents with a high look.

    1.1 Starting Google Docs

    In your web browser, search for Google Docs. You will find the link https://www.google.com/docs/about/ that will bring you to the first homepage as shown in figure 1.1.

    Figure 1.1: Google Docs home page

    Click on the Go to Google Docs button. You will see another window with a selection of existing documents and patterns. Some files have already been saved in the DRIVE. It is the location that stores all the files manipulated with Google Docs.

    Figure 1.2: Viewing existing documents

    1.1.1 Creating a new document

    Click on the coloured + sign. You are now ready to work with this free online word processor. Figure 1.3 shows the working environment with its menu and different

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