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Google Slides Online: Professional training
Google Slides Online: Professional training
Google Slides Online: Professional training
Livre électronique168 pages36 minutes

Google Slides Online: Professional training

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In this book you will learn how to create powerful presentations in an online collaborative work. To avoid repeating unnecessary actions, you will discover the Master feature that will save you a lot of time. You will manipulate text, shapes, graphics, videos, tables, configuration settings and page layout. Google Slides allows you to present your communication better by adding custom animations and transitions. It is the ideal tool for sharing your slides with others.
Date de sortie12 avr. 2021
Google Slides Online: Professional training

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    Google Slides Online - Rémy Lentzner


    Chapter 1


    This chapter covers the Google Slides working environment and the different options available inside the application window. This slides manager allows you to make online presentations in a simple and efficient way.

    1.1 Starting Google Slides

    In your web browser, search for Google Slides.

    You will find the link https://www.google.com/slides/about/that will take you to the first homepage as shown in figure 1.1.

    Figure 1.1 : The home page for the Google Slides application

    By clicking on the Go to Google Slides button, you will see another window with a selection of existing presentations (ready-made templates).

    You will see also files that have already been saved in the DRIVE, i.e. the location that stores the files manipulated with Google.

    Click on the coloured + sign at the bottom right of the window. You are now ready to create slides online. The figure 1.2 shows the working environment with its menu and its various icons.

    Figure 1.2 : Creating a blank presentation

    The left pane shows the first slide available. The layout of this slide is a title and a subtitle named Title slide. Slides can take on several formats. Right-click on this slide as shown in figure 1.3.

    Figure 1.3 : Different slide layouts

    These layouts will be used by the master mode. Let's see how to create a new slide.

    1.1.1 Adding a new slide

    Follow the procedure below to add a new slide in the presentation:


    New slide (or Ctrl M)

    Figure 1.4 shows the title and the body of the new slide.

    Figure 1.4 : Creating new slides

    1.1.2 Applying a different layout

    You can completely change the default format by applying another layout. The master mode allows you to modify or create layouts.

    Here is the method for changing the layout:

    Select the slide.

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