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Le Sage Roi, Le Sorcier Maléfique et Le Retour Du Prince
Le Sage Roi, Le Sorcier Maléfique et Le Retour Du Prince
Le Sage Roi, Le Sorcier Maléfique et Le Retour Du Prince
Livre électronique32 pages14 minutes

Le Sage Roi, Le Sorcier Maléfique et Le Retour Du Prince

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À propos de ce livre électronique

Ce magnifique livre viens nous souvenir de ce qui est vraiment important dans la vie et ce que nous, les parents devrons apprendre a nos enfants.

Il est à la fois une grande inspiration pour les parents et un grand début d’apprentissage des valeurs saines pour nos enfants.

Son sagesse touche au profond des nos âmes, éveillant en chacun de nous une mémoire sacrée du pouvoir des nos cœurs.

A lire absolument par tous les enfants de 5- 120 ans !

Date de sortie19 déc. 2014
Le Sage Roi, Le Sorcier Maléfique et Le Retour Du Prince

Gratiela Rosu

Born in Romania in 1973, Gratiela acquired a somewhat complex curriculum. She obtained her LLM In Law and Juridical Sciences at the University of Bucharest and a Common Law - Law Degree at the prestigious BPP London Law School. In 2006, due to health problems, she left London and the law arena to settle with her daughter in the deep French countryside of Dordogne. It was only after her ND Experience that she began to awaken to a world she was trying to run away from and to her inner healing abilities. Trained academic on one side and born healer on the other, she found it difficult to reconcile the two worlds to which she was part of. As a hard trained lawyer and researcher, she could not settle for the esoteric / new-age explanations to what she had just experienced. She embarked to a long journey of studies, research and experiments with renowned names in the alternative medicine field and spiritual healers, in an attempt to find a scientific explanation to her self-healing experience. Her astounding discoveries lead her to the path she has now embraced. In her own words: "I was looking for a scientific explanation to my 'unorthodox' experiences and I was running in circles until I realised why. The science we are told, including the so called "alternative medicine" it is 'an orthodox science', based on the same immutable rules as the religion itself. All extrasensorial experiences, including misunderstood "miraculous healing" have a deep scientific base, only that it pertains to a higher science that disturbs too many institutions, and as such is either ridiculed or kept secret." As a Researcher in Consciousness and the New Human Sciences, Psychotherapist, Master Hypnotherapist, Coach in Human Performance and writer, she now practices her craft of educating others into the science of Self- Healing and Self-Actualisation. Fluent in four languages, Gratiela stresses the importance of communication and of words in our lives: they can make us sick or they can heal us.

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