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L’âme agit
L’âme agit
L’âme agit
Livre électronique80 pages1 heure

L’âme agit

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Notre existence est le plus grand mystère de l’humanité. Animé par cette énergie constante, par cette force en nous et par cette flamme parfois appelée âme, l’humain ne peut résolument être réduit à une créature pensante. « Il doit y avoir autre chose », parce que l’âme agit dans nos vies sans que nous nous en apercevions. Elle nous amène, nous emmène et nous promène dans des lieux toujours nouveaux et inconnus, comme les vagues, le vent et le mouvement incessant de la Terre.


Après quelques années passées entre la France et les États-Unis, Karine Bligny pose finalement ses valises à Dijon. Ces années outre-Atlantique furent un voyage aussi bien tellurique qu’initiatique. Aujourd’hui, professeur dans un lycée international, elle enseigne la langue et la littérature anglaise. L'âme agit est son premier ouvrage.

Date de sortie25 janv. 2023
L’âme agit

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    L’âme agit - Karine Bligny

    The Sickness of my Soul

    Sure, let’s do this! hanging up the phone while packing up.

    First year at Brown. Absolute freedom. Live. Experience. No fear.

    Eric is my dear boyfriend, my chubby bae, my bff, the one and only one I can tell all about my craziness, my dreams, my secrets. Red-haired, spectacles, tall and imposing, he looks exactly one of those guys who makes you feel at home. Never one judgement passed between us. No filter. Talking for hours on everything going on in our lives – I should say in my life – me the chatterbox – we could browse every possible topic (our favourite one being boys). Not necessarily sex. Boys. Romances. And food. For Eric is an aspiring chef that always always posts pics of his latest recipes – well, I know everyone loves posting those boring pictures, but Eric’s are unique.

    We’re such a nice pair, Eric and me; the first time we met was friendship at first sight. Like with Caro (but that’s another story). We like to live deep and suck out all the marrow of life, meaning falling in love or improvising trips overnight. We’re amateur alright, but this morning Eric has the envie of skipping our French class and driving to Montpelier, Vermont, eat an ice cream and back to campus. One day, we’ll do a real road trip! he likes to swear. That’s a dream indeed. Well, that is a dream.


    I’ve actually arrived on campus this summer divested of everything I’ve held so dear; apartment, friends and boyfriend. A long phase of boredom had propelled me through an unquenchable thirst for adventures. Testing myself, proving myself, making mistakes, learning what there’s to learn. Exploring darker areas, which music had helped me do so far, but quickly proved insufficient. I needed more, face life, my own life. In other words, I wanted to get away from it all. The decision was a painful one, my departure a terrible pang I still feel today stinging in my guts. The fond farewell kiss in the airport, the long long tears in the plane. That’s when I realised I was losing everyone and my one love. And that I was definitely losing it.

    No one understood the whats and whys of a crisis I couldn’t even manage to check or justify; everything had been going just fine, I was dating the most nice-looking loving guy, had a steady relationship, friends circle: in short a secure routine young women in soapy shows would be looking for. As well as a majority of my friends. The dream routine I suddenly desired to kick out. Just like this. The Elliott Smith syndrome: going nowhere or else going down. My whole self suddenly craved for getting the freak out there and hang around in every corner of the earth.


    Er… Che vai fare queste vacanze?

    Gosh, I love her air, the way she struggles in her Italian phrase with her Austrian accent.

    Vado in San Francisco.

    Whaaa? I’m jealous!

    Well, why not join me there?

    Oops, it seems that our Italian language assistant Chiara has just spotted us slipping to English.

    Carolin is an international student in my ITAL 100 class. Chill, fresh, I sense we can potentially become an iconic duo: me the Mia-Wallace brunette, her the Scarlett-Johansson smiling blonde. She definitely looks like her, that’s what everybody says. She’s my girlfriend. Period.

    Yay, I just bought my tickets ! Still okay to share your private room in that hostel? So, I should arrive at 11 pm.

    Great, I’ll pick you up at the airport, I’ve rented a car so no need to bother in buses or what.

    Cool, I can’t wait! Her voice sounds genuinely thrilled.

    You’ll see, the City is awesome, you’ll love it!

    D-day. 11:25 pm. SFO hall. Bag on her shoulder, wearing her same old light-brown sweater and blue pair of jeans, she turns her head, produces a huge smile, and squeals with joy. Long hug, followed by the how-was-your-trip question. Adventure begins.

    I suggest we do the bridge after lunch so that we can explore the city in the morning, huh? There are mind-blowing places to get lost you’ll see! She smiles, gulping down her tea, and slips the map in her red canvas bag. I’m so excited, you have no idea. Her eyes suddenly catch the blue and white jukebox in the large kitchen room. And how about we’ll go dancing tonight? she suddenly adds, like launching words in the air.

    And off we go, hand in hand, we the two Brownies loitering up and down the City’s streets, keeping pace with the singing birds perched on these typical San Francisco trees, as if celebrating our venue here. Just look at those blooming trees! I approach one and strike a pose quite like those that can be seen in cheesy movies, trying to reach for a red gum. Just smell this!

    Funny how life vibrates our inner emotional state. I feel so full of life; life feels so full of light.

    I’ve always heard that San Francisco is a foggy place no matter the season, but see the sun, Caro exclaims.

    I know! I didn’t imagine that kind of weather on a Thanksgiving break. Do check out those scarves Caro!

    Caro always wears yellowish cashmere scarves which suit her really well. Very European.

    I actually need a pair of thighs. For tonight. Remember, our dancing night.

    Honestly, I don’t know.

    Whaaa? Oh please please please!

    How to say no?

    "Well, anyway we’re right now in a thighs situation that needs to

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