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Lâcher prise - 365 pensées
Lâcher prise - 365 pensées
Lâcher prise - 365 pensées
Livre électronique379 pages49 minutes

Lâcher prise - 365 pensées

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À propos de ce livre électronique

«Ce guide est rempli d'idées fabuleuses en mesure de changer votre vie. Sage, spirituel, et indispensable.»

— Daniel G. Amen, MD.
Date de sortie12 juin 2020
Lâcher prise - 365 pensées

Guy Finley

Guy Finley, founder and director of the nonprofit Life of Learning Foundation, has been showing people how to find a life of uncompromised freedom and enduring fulfillment for 30 years. He is the bestselling author of more than 40 books and audio programs that have been translated into more than 20 languages worldwide. Some of his popular titles include: The Courage to Be Free, The Essential Laws of Fearless Living, The Secret of Letting Go, and Let Go and Live in the Now. Guy Finley lives and teaches in Oregon. Visit him online at www.guyfinley.org and subscribe to his free weekly e-newsletter.

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    Lâcher prise - 365 pensées - Guy Finley

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