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The incredible secret of Adam and Ève: Or, where is the garden of Eden
The incredible secret of Adam and Ève: Or, where is the garden of Eden
The incredible secret of Adam and Ève: Or, where is the garden of Eden
Livre électronique45 pages57 minutes

The incredible secret of Adam and Ève: Or, where is the garden of Eden

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Who does not know Adam and Eve? It is a vision known throughout the world and through the ages as well, the first man and the first woman to arrive in this world and after having been driven out of Paradise, for having eaten the forbidden fruit and to be found In the garden of Eden.
Like everything to everyone, all this seemed to me quite normal and I had no questions? But suddenly and by the purest of chance, the secret go to fall, a little like lightning falls and falls on the Earth, suddenly! The secret of the Garden of Eden would fall and this time if, for good!
Date de sortie22 mai 2017
The incredible secret of Adam and Ève: Or, where is the garden of Eden

Jp Bernadin

un petit distributeur publicitaires campagnard et rural

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    The incredible secret of Adam and Ève - Jp Bernadin



    The Garden of Eden? It's simple ! It did not interest me more than a herd of cows in a field!

    Everyone knows him and I had absolutely no reason to write this book? Moreover, many works have already been written on this subject and I found it futile and even useless! To write another book on the Garden of Eden.

    Like the Apocalypse and the Noah's Ark, many films and many books have already been made on all these subjects and there was nothing to complain about!

    The Garden of Eden for me and since my childhood! A simple passage of the Bible and as it exists, hundreds in this book.

    In short! Not enough to whip a cat! Really not what! Then one day, and by the purest of chance, I shall come across a pretty picture book.

    I walked quietly on a flea market, when a book exhibitor, who did not want to bring all the books back and had not sold, then suggested that I choose the books and wanted them, and gave them to me generously.

    I did not pray, and I chose immediately and before he repacked it all! A dozen books, by which to find a book of engravings of the Garden of Eden.

    Then after home, I put this book in the bottom of one of my small cabinets, then completely forget them, and this, for about and I believe! Two or three years.

    Then one day, I made a storage and find this beautiful book, made of old engraving and some of which would go back to almost a thousand years! And put them on my writing desk.

    Then in a moment of relaxation and out of curiosity and I would even say, out of admiration! I was quietly leafing through this pretty book, when suddenly! A detail will intrigue me and will launch me, in an incredible adventure and an incredible discovery, on the secret of Adam and Eve and on the Garden of Eden.


    Chapter 1



    With the immaculate conception of the Virgin Mary, the Garden of Eden, contains one of the two most important secrets of Christendom.

    It's simple ! If the secret of the Garden of Eden falls, Christendom also falls, and in fact and without knowing it, in my incredible Biblical adventure, I will realize that the Garden of Eden contains the most important secret of the Bible With the immaculate conception, and which, moreover, has some relation to the Garden of Eden.

    For me, my discovery was a literally crazy thing! You discover something incredibly important! Whereas at the beginning, you did not care madly and like of the year forty more!


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