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Histoire - Les Misérables, Volume I "Fantine" (A2)

Histoire - Les Misérables, Volume I "Fantine" (A2)

DeLa Bobo French Library

Histoire - Les Misérables, Volume I "Fantine" (A2)

DeLa Bobo French Library

16 minutes
31 mars 2022
Épisode de podcast


Yeah! You can finally read "Les Misérables". "Les Misérables" is a five-volume novel written by Victor Hugo and published in 1862. Very dense, the plot of this book focuses on the character of Jean Valjean, a former convict condemned to forced labor and his quest for redemption. A phenomenal success when it was released, Les Misérables has established itself today as one of the major work of French literature. 
le bagne - labor camp
un bagnard - convict
l'évêque - the bishop
un vol - a robbery
voler - to steal things
dérober - to steal things
more vocabulary included in the eBook version. 

Access the eBook version and the eBook Lesson on bobofrench.com and start building your Bobo French Library. (Bobo French Library accessible in May 2022). 
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Research has shown that Learning French through stories is the most efficient way to become fluent in no time. Did you know that we acquire a language by reading and listening first? Stop studying vocabulary lists and start listening to French stories.

With love,
31 mars 2022
Épisode de podcast

Titres dans cette série (13)

The Bobo French stories are small doses of high-quality learning sessions, and at the same time, the most relaxing way to become FLUENT in French, in no time. Learning a language by Reading and Storytelling is known to be the most efficient learning strategy ―even for those at the beginner level. Through the steps of reading and establishing meaning, you will understand and use the target language to communicate right away. Research shows that over time, readers become fluent speakers who excel in real-life situations.