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Elizabeth Hooton 1600 1672 Une Guerriere De La Paix: Ses Lettres
Elizabeth Hooton 1600 1672 Une Guerriere De La Paix: Ses Lettres
Elizabeth Hooton 1600 1672 Une Guerriere De La Paix: Ses Lettres
Livre électronique74 pages1 heure

Elizabeth Hooton 1600 1672 Une Guerriere De La Paix: Ses Lettres

Par F. Ndi

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Through her Letters written to Friends, to her opponents: priests, magistrates, politicians, including the king, Elizabeth Hooton leaves a captivating testimony of her fights for and of her activism in quest of the Truth, Freedom, Justice and equity for all as well as peace on earth and within the Quaker movement. Hers was a fight and quest far from any guided by egoism pure and simple or by personal interest. She was driven by her interest in the common good of all and everywhere. In History of civilizations we have actors who fade away unnoticed or at times are just ignored whereas their contributions to the said civilizations as small as they might be have contributed tremendously in shaping without doubt the same civilizations. Elizabeth Hooton falls within this category of people whose contribution to contemporary English civilization and above all to the feminist movement can be read between the lines of the fragments of these letters; she wrote to her Friends and to the political leaders of England during an era of great changes which radically transformed the English society i.e. 17th Century England. She expresses herself in very caustic terms as a way of affirming the rights to equality of the oppressed woman and other marginals of the society of her time. She anchors her fight on the axis of a universal and Universalist quest for equality, a Quaker ideal.
ÉditeurLangaa RPCIG
Date de sortie26 juil. 2011
Elizabeth Hooton 1600 1672 Une Guerriere De La Paix: Ses Lettres

F. Ndi

Bill F Ndi, traducteur-traductologue, poète, dramaturge, conteur, critique littéraire, et enseignant-chercheur est né à Bamunka-Ndop, au Southern Cameroons. Docteur ès Langues, Littératures et Civilisations Contemporaines : Traduction à l'UCP, il a enseigné dans plusieurs universités (en Australie, en France...) et présentement, il est professeur des universités américaines à Tuskegee University dans l'Alabama. Il compte nombreuses publications (en français et en anglais) en poésie, pièces de théâtre, traduction ainsi que sur le Quakerisme originel.

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    Elizabeth Hooton 1600 1672 Une Guerriere De La Paix - F. Ndi

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