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Learn French With Jokes 2
Learn French With Jokes 2
Learn French With Jokes 2
Livre électronique215 pages45 minutes

Learn French With Jokes 2

Évaluation : 5 sur 5 étoiles



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À propos de ce livre électronique

Do you speak some French? Do you wish it were a lot better? Many experts believe that reading in a foreign language is a great way to improve not only vocabulary, but also grammar and other skills. In Learn French with Jokes 2, there are 100 more jokes in very easy French and any difficult vocabulary is given for you below each joke. Download a sample and see if the level is right for you. You might well be pleasantly surprised at how easy it is.

Date de sortie2 mai 2011
Learn French With Jokes 2

Jeremy Taylor

I've been writing since 1984, had my first book published in 1989 and have published another 55 books since then. I write mostly for teenage learners of English but also write a lot of short stories.

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