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Learn French With Jokes
Learn French With Jokes
Learn French With Jokes
Livre électronique208 pages47 minutes

Learn French With Jokes

Évaluation : 4 sur 5 étoiles



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À propos de ce livre électronique

Many millions of people around the world want to improve their French. Are you one of them? You may have tried one of those Learn-French-in-a-week CD ROMS, or a boring grammar course, or perhaps a mind-numbing self-study course? Are you looking for something that’s a joy to use? Something that will entertain you while you learn? Learn some French without even realising it? Something that over fifteen thousand people have downloaded already – and loved? Look no further. In this new version of the book you can not only read the jokes, but also listen to them being read by a charming French woman.
You’ll hear classics like:
« Maman, je n’aime pas cette viande, est-ce que je peux la donner au chien ? »
« Non chéri, c’est le chien. »

and this one:
« Alors, Docteur, est-ce que mon opération est un succès ? »
« Je suis désolé, mon nom est Saint-Pierre. »

and who can’t understand this one?
Le petit garçon : Tu m’aimes ?
La petite fille : Naturellement que je t’aime.
Le petit garçon : Combien de temps tu m’aimeras ?
La petite fille : Je t’aimerai toujours.
Le petit garçon : Combien de temps, toujours ?
La petite fille : A peu près une semaine.

Date de sortie31 oct. 2010
Learn French With Jokes

Jeremy Taylor

I've been writing since 1984, had my first book published in 1989 and have published another 55 books since then. I write mostly for teenage learners of English but also write a lot of short stories.

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Évaluation : 4 sur 5 étoiles

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  • Évaluation : 4 sur 5 étoiles
    so far it is easy and you can understand most of the jojes if you have a brief idea about french
    so it is fun and learning experience together

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Learn French With Jokes - Jeremy Taylor

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