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b-Arbitra 2016/1: 2016/1
b-Arbitra: 2015/1
Série de livres électroniques2 titres


Évaluation : 0 sur 5 étoiles


À propos de cette série

Discover the table of contents of b-Arbitra 2016/1: Articles and Case Law / Découvrez le sommaire: doctrine et jurisprudence /Ontdek de inhoudstafel: rechtsleer en rechtspraak / Inhaltsverzeichnis: Aufsätze und Rechtsprechung
Date de sortie9 juin 2015
b-Arbitra 2016/1: 2016/1
b-Arbitra: 2015/1

Titres dans cette série (2)

  • b-Arbitra: 2015/1


    b-Arbitra: 2015/1
    b-Arbitra: 2015/1

    b-Arbitra is a biannual peer-reviewed journal that is the leading source of information and for research on arbitration in Belgium. b-Arbitra is an initiative of Cepani, the Belgian Center of Arbitration and Mediation. b-Arbitra subscribes to the objective of Cepani to promote edifying debate and in-depth research in the field of arbitration, to provide a valuable source of pertinent information to lawyers involved in arbitration, and to bring new developments to the policy makers’ attention in order to further the quality of the arbitration law and practice. b-Arbitra is also dedicated to promoting dialogue on novel issues in the field of arbitration and aims to provide a dynamic forum for the exchange of information on a European scale. It fosters a comparative approach that opens up new avenues of creative research and critical thinking, and this in light of the increasing number of cross-border disputes and the internationalization of arbitration. b-Arbitra is unique in that it welcomes contributions in English, as well as in Belgium’s official languages Dutch, French and German. Each of these articles is accompanied by a summary in the English language.

  • b-Arbitra 2016/1: 2016/1

    b-Arbitra 2016/1: 2016/1
    b-Arbitra 2016/1: 2016/1

    Discover the table of contents of b-Arbitra 2016/1: Articles and Case Law / Découvrez le sommaire: doctrine et jurisprudence /Ontdek de inhoudstafel: rechtsleer en rechtspraak / Inhaltsverzeichnis: Aufsätze und Rechtsprechung

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