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ABC Letter Tracing for Preschoolers: French Handwriting Practice Workbook for Kids
ABC Letter Tracing for Preschoolers: French Handwriting Practice Workbook for Kids
ABC Letter Tracing for Preschoolers: French Handwriting Practice Workbook for Kids
Livre électronique190 pages1 minute

ABC Letter Tracing for Preschoolers: French Handwriting Practice Workbook for Kids

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À propos de ce livre électronique

Use this book to give your kid lots of fun while they learn ABC letters in FRENCH!

With this ABC Letter Tracing for Preschoolers, your kids will have a lot of fun, even though they won't know they are learning! Use this french handwriting book as a perfect start for any kid to learn how to write in a fun and engaging way

Date de sortie24 juin 2023
ABC Letter Tracing for Preschoolers: French Handwriting Practice Workbook for Kids

Ojula Technology Innovations

Dr. Emily Turner, one of the contributors of this book, is a distinguished molecular biologist and educator, known for her profound contributions to the field of cellular and molecular biology. With a Ph.D. in Molecular Biology and over two decades of research experience, Dr. Turner is a true luminary in the realm of life sciences.As a passionate advocate for science education, Dr. Turner has dedicated her career to making the intricacies of cellular and molecular biology accessible to students of all backgrounds. Her journey as an author began with a deep-seated commitment to empower the next generation of scientists, culminating in the co-authorship of "Cell and Molecular Biology: An Introductory Guide for Learning Cellular & Molecular Biology."Dr. Turner's work is characterized by a rare blend of scholarly excellence and pedagogical prowess. Her research has been published in renowned scientific journals, contributing groundbreaking insights to the fields of genetics and molecular biology. Simultaneously, her engaging teaching style has earned her accolades and the admiration of her students.This collaborative effort marks a milestone in her career, where she, along with her co-authors, has crafted a book that distills the complexities of cellular and molecular biology into an approachable and engaging resource. With an unwavering commitment to the advancement of scientific knowledge, Dr. Emily Turner continues to inspire and educate, leaving an indelible mark on the world of science and education.

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