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La vendetta
La vendetta
La vendetta
Livre électronique97 pages1 heure

La vendetta

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A l'insu de tous, le peintre Servin cache, dans le débarras de son atelier, un bel officier de la Garde impériale blessé à Waterloo et recherché par la police pour avoir aidé Napoléon à reprendre le pouvoir pendant les Cent Jours. Or l'élève favorite du peintre, la talentueuse Ginevra Piombo, ne tarde pas à découvrir le proscrit et tombe aussitôt amoureuse de lui. Hélas, ce que Ginevra ne sait pas, c'est que ce joli Corse est le dernier survivant de la famille Porta. Et, de mémoire de Corse, les Porta et les Piombo se sont toujours entretués...
Date de sortie2 juil. 2018
La vendetta

Honoré de Balzac

Honoré de Balzac (1799-1850) was a French novelist, short story writer, and playwright. Regarded as one of the key figures of French and European literature, Balzac’s realist approach to writing would influence Charles Dickens, Émile Zola, Henry James, Gustave Flaubert, and Karl Marx. With a precocious attitude and fierce intellect, Balzac struggled first in school and then in business before dedicating himself to the pursuit of writing as both an art and a profession. His distinctly industrious work routine—he spent hours each day writing furiously by hand and made extensive edits during the publication process—led to a prodigious output of dozens of novels, stories, plays, and novellas. La Comédie humaine, Balzac’s most famous work, is a sequence of 91 finished and 46 unfinished stories, novels, and essays with which he attempted to realistically and exhaustively portray every aspect of French society during the early-nineteenth century.

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    La vendetta - Honoré de Balzac

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