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CITÉS HORTICOLES EN SURSIS ? Lagriculture urbaine dans les grandes Niayes au Sénégal
CITÉS HORTICOLES EN SURSIS ? Lagriculture urbaine dans les grandes Niayes au Sénégal
CITÉS HORTICOLES EN SURSIS ? Lagriculture urbaine dans les grandes Niayes au Sénégal
Livre électronique150 pages2 heures

CITÉS HORTICOLES EN SURSIS ? Lagriculture urbaine dans les grandes Niayes au Sénégal

Évaluation : 0 sur 5 étoiles


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À propos de ce livre électronique

Experience has shown us that development efforts that ignore local technologies, local systems of knowledge, and the local environment generally fail to achieve their desired objectives. Examples abound of western-lead teams of researchers failing to consult properly with indigenous populations,with the resulting "advancements" quickly proving to be unsustainable or, tragically, destructive. Thankfully, this trend is slowly changing. In the 1990s, indigenous knowledge has been fertile ground for research, and a wealth of information now exists on the topic. The information,however, is disparate and no truly comprehensive guide exists, until now. This guidebook zeros in on what indigenous knowledge can contribute to a sustainable development strategy that accounts for the potential of the local environment and the experience and wisdom of the indigenous population. Through an extensive review of field examples as well as current theory and practice, it provides a succinct yet comprehensive review of indigenous knowledge research and assessment. Working with Indigenous Knowledge will contribute to the improved design, delivery, monitoring, and evaluation of any program of research and will appeal to both seasoned development professional as well as the novice or student just beginning a research career.
Date de sortie14 juil. 2010
CITÉS HORTICOLES EN SURSIS ? Lagriculture urbaine dans les grandes Niayes au Sénégal

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