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The invisible BackPack
The invisible BackPack
The invisible BackPack
Livre électronique29 pages9 minutes

The invisible BackPack

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À propos de ce livre électronique

Cedric was the victim of great misfortune. It was so big that he decided to imprison it in an invisible backpack and he hoped his misfortune would be invisible as well. However, his misfortune became such a heavy burden that it made Cedric stumble and even transformed itself in nightmares that haunted Cedric’s sleep. Fortunately, Sorrowless man, a chaser of misfortune, came to his school. This book teaches the readers to share their sorrows and their secrets so they feel better with themselves and with other people too. For kids from 5 to 99 years
Date de sortie8 mai 2015
The invisible BackPack

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    The invisible BackPack - Perrault Danielle

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