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Le Gnokholo traditionnel: G�ographie - Histoire - Culture - Economie: Monographie d�une ancienne province du S�n�gal
Le Gnokholo traditionnel: G�ographie - Histoire - Culture - Economie: Monographie d�une ancienne province du S�n�gal
Le Gnokholo traditionnel: G�ographie - Histoire - Culture - Economie: Monographie d�une ancienne province du S�n�gal
Livre électronique230 pages5 heures

Le Gnokholo traditionnel: G�ographie - Histoire - Culture - Economie: Monographie d�une ancienne province du S�n�gal

Évaluation : 5 sur 5 étoiles



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This monograph focuses on Gnokholo, a precolonial province of Senegal that has long been landlocked because of its eastern position and inhabited by Mandingoans. The decline of the Malian empire in the 15th century has been confined to a situation of geographical marginality in the foothills of the mountains Of the Fouta Djalon. This book reconstructs the geography, history, economy, culture and social structures of the pre-colonial Gnokholo Kingdom. It fills a deficit insofar as social studies have neglected these populations considered as part of a minority culture. Written in a simple and clear style, this book is in keeping with the tradition of the work of Father Boilat. It is an anthropological collection of a body of knowledge revealing various aspects of the country and the inhabitants of the Gnokholo.
Date de sortie29 déc. 2015
Le Gnokholo traditionnel: G�ographie - Histoire - Culture - Economie: Monographie d�une ancienne province du S�n�gal

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