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Livre électronique45 pages39 minutes


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Nantas, jeune marseillais fils de maçon, quitte sa ville natale pour Paris. Sa mère aurait voulu qu'il passe son baccalauréat, rêvant qu'il puisse ainsi s'élever dans la société. Ses parents avaient travaillé dur pour lui payer ses études, mais sa mère mourut et son père chuta, obligeant d'abord Nantas à travailler chez un négociant, puis à remplacer son père. Quand il trouve ce dernier mort, Nantas vend tout, et avec deux cent francs en poche, il quitte Marseille pour la capitale, sûre que sa fortune l'y attend. Cependant, celle-ci se fait attendre et Nantas vit dans une étroite chambre mansardée, perdant progressivement patience. Quand finalement la chance frappe à sa porte, c'est avec une offre des moins conventionnelles...-
ÉditeurSAGA Egmont
Date de sortie18 sept. 2019

Emile Zola

Émile Zola (1840-1902) was a French novelist, journalist, and playwright. Born in Paris to a French mother and Italian father, Zola was raised in Aix-en-Provence. At 18, Zola moved back to Paris, where he befriended Paul Cézanne and began his writing career. During this early period, Zola worked as a clerk for a publisher while writing literary and art reviews as well as political journalism for local newspapers. Following the success of his novel Thérèse Raquin (1867), Zola began a series of twenty novels known as Les Rougon-Macquart, a sprawling collection following the fates of a single family living under the Second Empire of Napoleon III. Zola’s work earned him a reputation as a leading figure in literary naturalism, a style noted for its rejection of Romanticism in favor of detachment, rationalism, and social commentary. Following the infamous Dreyfus affair of 1894, in which a French-Jewish artillery officer was falsely convicted of spying for the German Embassy, Zola wrote a scathing open letter to French President Félix Faure accusing the government and military of antisemitism and obstruction of justice. Having sacrificed his reputation as a writer and intellectual, Zola helped reverse public opinion on the affair, placing pressure on the government that led to Dreyfus’ full exoneration in 1906. Nominated for the Nobel Prize in Literature in 1901 and 1902, Zola is considered one of the most influential and talented writers in French history.

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    Nantas - Emile Zola

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