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De la Terre à la Lune
De la Terre à la Lune
De la Terre à la Lune
Livre électronique228 pages2 heures

De la Terre à la Lune

Évaluation : 3.5 sur 5 étoiles



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À propos de ce livre électronique

De la Terre à la Lune, Trajet direct en 97 heures 20 minutes est un roman d'anticipation de Jules Verne paru en 1865. Il forme la première partie d'un diptyque, qui se clôt avec Autour de la Lune.
Date de sortie4 avr. 2018
De la Terre à la Lune

Jules Verne

Jules Verne (1828-1905) was a French novelist, poet and playwright. Verne is considered a major French and European author, as he has a wide influence on avant-garde and surrealist literary movements, and is also credited as one of the primary inspirations for the steampunk genre. However, his influence does not stop in the literary sphere. Verne’s work has also provided invaluable impact on scientific fields as well. Verne is best known for his series of bestselling adventure novels, which earned him such an immense popularity that he is one of the world’s most translated authors.

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Avis sur De la Terre à la Lune

Évaluation : 3.6329114556962026 sur 5 étoiles

79 notations2 avis

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  • Évaluation : 2 sur 5 étoiles
    While it is an interesting scientific predictor, the book bogs down frequently with many calculations and much discussion of theories about the moon from that time.
  • Évaluation : 3 sur 5 étoiles
    This contemporary translation by Edward Roth is more entertaining than the other version of Journey to the Moon I have read and reviewed on LT (which though described as unabridged, was only two thirds of the length of this one). There are still large parts of these stories that are dry and technical and the sense of exuberance and naivety exhibited by the characters is quite hilarious and a bit wearing in the post-space age era. Worth reading as an example of 19th century SF adventure rather than anything else, perhaps.