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TIC, colonialite, patriarcat :Societe mondialisee, occidentalisee, excessive, accel�ree� quels impacts sur la pensee feminist
TIC, colonialite, patriarcat :Societe mondialisee, occidentalisee, excessive, accel�ree� quels impacts sur la pensee feminist
TIC, colonialite, patriarcat :Societe mondialisee, occidentalisee, excessive, accel�ree� quels impacts sur la pensee feminist
Livre électronique239 pages5 heures

TIC, colonialite, patriarcat :Societe mondialisee, occidentalisee, excessive, accel�ree� quels impacts sur la pensee feminist

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This book questions the politicization/depoliticization of women s and feminists organizations in the context of globalization. It explores some African pathways, in particular those of South Africa and Senegal. Extending beyond the notions of neoliberalism and gender digital divide , the author is searching, through the ICT use of those organizations, the inhibiting factors or the genesis of political action, and particularly the mechanisms of institutionalization. Palmieri shows that the impact of ICT and gender inequality combine to worsen and accelerate social hierarchies and may paradoxically create spaces where non-dominated gendered knowledge emerge. She dissociates domination and power. This book introduces new directions for feminist epistemology. Contemporary societies, strongly foot-printed by digital connection, are mixing the coloniality of power and patriarchy, and this dual system of domination can produce epistemic creation.
ÉditeurLangaa RPCIG
Date de sortie13 juin 2016
TIC, colonialite, patriarcat :Societe mondialisee, occidentalisee, excessive, accel�ree� quels impacts sur la pensee feminist

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    TIC, colonialite, patriarcat :Societe mondialisee, occidentalisee, excessive, accel�ree� quels impacts sur la pensee feminist - Joelle Palmieri

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