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La Mondélé
La Mondélé
La Mondélé
Livre électronique169 pages2 heures

La Mondélé

Évaluation : 0 sur 5 étoiles


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À propos de ce livre électronique

A young nurse decided to leave everything behind to work abroad with humanitarian organization .She lived for 10 years in very dangerous places weither it was in the jungle or in the desert.Her living conditions were very miserable .Most of the time there was no doctor .Her objectives were to save as much life as possible.She worked in Azerbaidjan,Sierra Leone,Congo,Chad and Thailand .She faced very challenging situations and some events changed completely her life such as civil war and death threat.

Date de sortie8 août 2016
La Mondélé

Sylvie Boivin

Sylvie Boivin is a retired nurse who has worked for more than 40 years in various hospital.At the age of 45 she decided to leave everything behind and to work with humanitarian organization in different country abroad. She has a bachelor degree in nursing .This book started as a therapy based on her terrible experiences during these 10 years fighting to save lives ,dealing every day with disease and death .She is married with 2 daughters and lives in Canada with her husband.

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