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1001 Most Useful French Words
1001 Most Useful French Words
1001 Most Useful French Words
Livre électronique64 pages1 heure

1001 Most Useful French Words

Évaluation : 3.5 sur 5 étoiles



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À propos de ce livre électronique

Students of French and anyone wishing a stronger, more in-depth French vocabulary will prize this practical and inexpensive book. Its contents encompass more than 1,000 of the most frequently used words in the French language, presented in alphabetical order — from à (in, at, to) to wagon-lit (sleeping car, sleeper). Each vocabulary word then appears in a French sentence, demonstrating its proper usage.
A separate section features common French words arranged by such categories as family, days of the week, months of the year, seasons, numbers, colors, foods, stores, occupations, and animals. (These words are not repeated in the alphabetical section.) In addition, a page of Vocabulary Tips explains how students can easily recognize hundreds of French/English cognates.
Travelers will find this handy reference volume especially valuable. Its compact size makes it an easy fit for pockets or purses. Hundreds of terms and expressions particularly helpful to people on vacation and business trips include L'addition, s'il vous plait ("The check, please") and Pouvez-vous nous aider? (Can you help us?).

Date de sortie4 avr. 2012
1001 Most Useful French Words

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