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Les etudiants africains et la litterature negro-africaine d'expression francaise
Les etudiants africains et la litterature negro-africaine d'expression francaise
Les etudiants africains et la litterature negro-africaine d'expression francaise
Livre électronique147 pages4 heures

Les etudiants africains et la litterature negro-africaine d'expression francaise

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It is more than forty seven years ago that the Federation of black African students in France (FEANF) organised its first seminar in Paris on the relationship between black African literature and politics. The significance of the event came from the fact that literature served as a vehicle for unmasking traitors in Africa. This was also an opportunity for African students to define the role of literature in political struggles and to appreciate correctly and objectively the commitments of African writers in French. At no time was it a question of over emphasising the importance of this type of work in relation to the immense political challenges in the liberation struggle of African countries. Despite their ideological, religious and philosophical differences, African intellectuals were all committed to African independence and unity, and the need for a critical appraisal of the contribution of African literature in this regard. Participants at this seminar accomplished this task in serenity and with much lucidity. The young generation of pupils and students have the right to know the opinions of their elders who took part, in various degrees and for various reasons, in the struggles for independence on the African continent.
ÉditeurLangaa RPCIG
Date de sortie15 mai 2009
Les etudiants africains et la litterature negro-africaine d'expression francaise

Aly Dieng

Amady Aly Dieng, born 22 February 1932 at Tivaouane (Senegal), PhD in Economics and retired International civil servant with the Central Bank for West African States (BCEAO), taught at Cheikh Anta Diop University, Dakar. He served as leader of the General Students Association of Dakar (AGED) which was created in 1952 and in 1956 became the General Union of West African Students (UGEO). He also served as president of the Federation of black African Students in France (FEANF) in 1961 and1962.

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    Les etudiants africains et la litterature negro-africaine d'expression francaise - Aly Dieng

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