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Citadelle. Illustrée
Citadelle. Illustrée
Citadelle. Illustrée
Livre électronique681 pages11 heures

Citadelle. Illustrée

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À propos de ce livre électronique

Citadelle est une œuvre posthume d'Antoine de Saint-Exupéry, parue en 1948.
Citadelle est un livre qui n'a jamais été achevé ni retouché (ou très peu) par Saint-Exupéry. L'œuvre est restée à l'état de brouillon dactylographié imparfait avant d'être mis en forme, tant bien que mal, par l'éditeur.
Fustigeant le monde qui l'entoure, Saint-Exupéry est persuadé, à partir de 1943, qu'il n'y a qu'un seul problème pour qui veut faire œuvre d'écrivain parmi les hommes, c'est de leur "rendre une signification spirituelle, des inquiétudes spirituelles.
Date de sortie12 mai 2021
Citadelle. Illustrée

Antoine de Saint-Exupéry

Antoine De Saint Exupéry, born in Lyon 29 June 1900, was a French writer and aviator. He is best remembered for his novella The Little Prince, and for his books about aviation adventures, including Night Flight (1931) and Wind, Sand and Stars (1939). In 1921 he began his military service and trained as a pilot. He became one of the pioneers of international postal flight. At the outbreak of the Second World War he joined the French Air Force flying reconnaissance missions until the armistice with Germany. Following a spell writing in the United States, he joined the Free French Forces. He went on a mission to collect information on German troop movements in the Rhone valley on 31 July 1944 and was never seen again. His plane disappeared. It was assumed that he was shot down over the Mediterranean. An unidentifiable body wearing French colours was found several days later and buried in Carqueiranne that September.

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