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The Craft
The Craft
The Craft
Livre électronique18 pages12 minutes

The Craft

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The Craft is a 1996 American supernatural horror film directed by Andrew Fleming and distributed by Columbia Pictures. It was written by Andrew Fleming and Peter Filardi and stars Robin Tunney, Fairuza Balk, Neve Campbell, and Rachel True. Its story follows a group of four outcast teenage girls at a fictional Los Angeles parochial high school who pursue witchcraft for their own gain but soon encounter negative repercussions.
Date de sortie21 oct. 2020
The Craft

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    Aperçu du livre

    The Craft - Peter Filardi

    The Craft (film)

    A picture containing person Description automatically generated

    The Craft

    four young student girls walking in the rain towards the viewer with the film's title ,credits and release date below them.

    Theatrical release poster

    Directed by      Andrew Fleming

    Produced by      Douglas Wick

    Written by

    Andrew Fleming

    Peter Filardi


    Fairuza Balk

    Robin Tunney

    Neve Campbell

    Rachel True

    Music by      Graeme Revell

    Cinematography      Alexander Gruszynski

    Edited by      Jeff Freeman

    Distributed by      Columbia Pictures

    Release date

    May 3, 1996

    Running time      101 minutes

    Country      United States

    Language      English

    Budget      $15 million[1]

    Box office      $55.6 million

    The Craft is a 1996 American supernatural horror film directed by Andrew Fleming and distributed by Columbia Pictures. It was written by Andrew Fleming and Peter Filardi and stars Robin Tunney, Fairuza Balk, Neve Campbell, and Rachel True. Its story follows a group of four outcast teenage girls at a fictional Los Angeles parochial high school who pursue witchcraft for their own gain but soon encounter negative repercussions.

    The film was released on May 3,

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