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The Brimstone Institute for Wilfull Young Ladies
The Brimstone Institute for Wilfull Young Ladies
The Brimstone Institute for Wilfull Young Ladies
Livre électronique141 pages1 heure

The Brimstone Institute for Wilfull Young Ladies

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When Rebecca gets blamed for a sexual incident that wasn't her fault, she's quickly packed off to the Brimstone Institute. Fearing the worst on her arrival, it soon turns out that far from being a place of correction, this is a hotbed of sexual activity. Anything goes down, much to her delight, and it doesn't take her long to get into the swing . The whole place is a front, and the young women revel in the sexual freedom that's encouraged. And you wont want to miss Ivan the Impaler. One of the hottest books I have written,

if you like your erotic raunchy, this is for you

ÉditeurCharlie B.
Date de sortie17 janv. 2020
The Brimstone Institute for Wilfull Young Ladies

Charlie B.

Well my name is Charlie B but you already know that. I live in the UK, Bromley, Kent, any GR peeps close by, friend me by all means. I write hot steamy stories. Why, well because if it turns me on I hope it will do the same for you, guy or girl! For those of you that might be interested my web site address is www.dollhouse-books.com. all of my books are individually listed there along with synopsis and other interesting articles. you can also sign up to my new releases newsletter and receive a free short story Commecial finished, please read on! I write a lot, a book a month sometimes even more and I like to do something different every time. Sometimes the sexy scenes are part of the story and other times the story is the vehicle for the sex scenes but one thing is always present in my stories, Sex! Most of my stories feature women as the lead characters, I liker strong women, women who know what they want and go get it. They want men who can satisfy them in every way, who can excite and give then totally fulfilling sex. Women today have found their freedom, they want books that excite and arouse, they want a hot read that will give them a thrill and why not. Ah, but I hear you guys saying , 'what about us? Well I know what guys like, after all I am one. Fresh young women, cheerleaders, raunchy college girls that are naughty rather than nice. Older women that bend the rules, blur the lines because they are hell bent on satisfaction and they will do their devious best to get it. In actual fact, although there's a possible division in what I write, I think men and women will enjoy most of my books as many sit in the middle road.

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    Aperçu du livre

    The Brimstone Institute for Wilfull Young Ladies - Charlie B.

    I’m sitting here alone at the Brimstone Academy, waiting to be collected after my dad has dropped me off. He said no goodbyes, said nothing during the whole journey here. In truth, that was a relief, far better than the tirade of accusations I had received from my parents after being blamed for something I wasn’t guilty of.

    What was that you ask? I suppose I might as well tell, since other things far more exciting will be revealed as this story moves along. So, what is The Brimstone Academy? Well, so far as I know, it’s a correctional institute for young women who have strayed from the path. Which path? That of sobriety and proper behaviour which in my case, means I’ve been a slut; a very bad girl.

    How so, you ask? Hmm, well let’s see? I guess it all began when that new family moved into the house next door; my attention immediately focussing on the handsome young man who turned out to be the family’s son. Of course, my passions soon rose as I watched him help carry the furniture into the house, I mean, a good-looking lad in just a pair of shorts will inflame a girl’s passions quite quickly; well mine anyhow. After all, I’m no shrinking violet, I’ve already been fucked dozens of times by different lads and some older men, I just have to get my fill of hard cock or I go bonkers.

    After watching from my bedroom window for some time, and giving myself the odd, furtive twat rub, I’d decided that he would do nicely for what I had in mind. Having a nice horny lad living right next door to me was very handy indeed. I decided to strip down to my knickers, pulled on the tightest top I have, and then I slid up the window after checking my hair was tidy. Sure enough, his eyes soon spotted me as I dangled myself out of it. Now, I don’t have huge tits that I can flaunt without trying, but I do have big, puffy nipples that guys go crazy over. Anyhow, as he passed back and forth, his eyes kept seeking me out, time after time, I managed eventually to yank my top down far enough that one of my nipples peeped out over my top. That sure got his attention. The next time that he walked by, I swear there was not only a decent bulge in his shorts, but his hidden cock was swaying from left to right, or maybe right to left.

    Anyhow, I teased him a little longer, and then gave my trusty vibrator a good workout while was lying spread-eagled on my bed. You know what? I’m sure that ‘no good’ brother of mine was lurking around outside my door; he’s nothing but a pervert.

    It wasn’t till the next day that the new guy showed up at my door, his eyes feasting on my slender figure.

    Hi, I just moved in, I’m Rodger.

    I, in turn, ran my, hungry for cock, eyes over his youthful body, pausing to check his package out properly. It looked pretty good to me. Like I said, I’m no virgin, but it had been awhile since I’d done the deed with a guy and a girl can get pretty horny when there’s no hard dick around to entertain her. Anyhow, since I wasn’t in the mood to go through the whole, getting to know you, paraphernalia, I just grabbed him by his balls and then dragged him up to my room, totally ignoring his cries of disbelief. Once there, I simply threw him on my bed and then stared down at his stiff dick. I guess that was all the approval I needed.

    What the hell? he’d blurted out, before I shut him up. I didn’t need my mum bursting in right then, did I; nor my runt of brother spying on me again.

    Well, get it out then, I haven’t got all day, I’d ordered him, glaring at him somewhat. He’d sat there like he was in shock; ‘oh no, not a damn virgin,’ the thought that had suddenly gone through my head.

    I’d dropped down, grabbed his jeans and then popped all of their fly buttons undone; pulled his pants wide open and then stared down at his well-outlined dick in his briefs, while running my tongue over my lips. My eager fingers were soon stroking up from his balls to his swollen cockhead, and he’d let out a loud groan as the thing jerked to a throbbing stiffness in my pleasuring fingers. His head fell back and then he collapsed back onto my bed. I nuzzled his swollen rod eliciting more groans from him.

    It suddenly occurred to me that he had possibly never screwed a girl before. Oh, how exciting, a newbie to mould to my own wicked design. Wrapping my slim fingers around his erect stiffy, he let out another loud groan and then his cock suddenly pulsed before a thick stream of come erupted up into the air, followed by a few more streamers before his excitement abated somewhat. I stared at him in surprise, saying, ‘first time with a girl?’ He lets out another grunt as I waggled his wilting prick all around.

    I just asked you a question, and I’m waiting for an answer Rodger? I added rather sternly.

    Erm, yes, yes, alright I admit it, he cried out.

    I slapped his drooping dick hard.

    Don’t shout at me, you got it? If you want more fun with me, you act proper; you got that too? He stares up at me and then nodded his head.

    I can’t hear you, say it louder.

    Yes Rebecca.

    Yes Miss Rebecca.

    Yes Miss Rebecca, he mutters.

    That’s better, now then; let’s see how long you can last this time? Grasping his limp cock; I pour some moisturiser over the head of it and then I began to edge his cock back to full erection. Can’t beat playing with a nice young lads prick, especially when your intention is to tease it until the thing is really close to another climax, and then you let it subside before starting over again. Edging is so much fucking fun.

    I stare at his straining prick as it throbs again in teasing hands, appreciating the smoothness of his shaft that was soon back up throbbing a strong pulse as my fingers tightened around the base of it. His balls were by now tight with excited tension. His second ejaculation; when I allow it to occur is far more intense than the first, and I let out a loud squeal as he spurts out yet another cum-load.

    Now it’s my turn, I say, yanking up my skirt and then pulling my knickers aside. He ogles my naked hair free twat until I grab his head and to pull his mouth down between my spread thighs. He lets out a cry, but I keep him there, thrilling in my power over him.

    Suck me Rodger, suck me off. Come on, make me fucking come.

    He begins to work on my wet snatch, his lips kissing, his tongue spearing.

    My clit; lick it. No, get higher. Oh, fuck yes, eat me, I cry out, as I feel the first stirrings building up towards a crescendo. I keep him hard at it, hold his head right where it’s needed until my hips jerk as I orgasm hard. He falls back; his dick up hard again, but there’s no time now for any more fun.

    Off you go then, call in tomorrow. Go on, and don’t let me down.

    He’s back the next day and I swear his dick is stretching his pants like crazy. It’s time to teach this lucky young lad how to fuck a girl properly, I’m thinking, so, I rip his dick free, drive him crazy with my edging skills for a good twenty minutes until his come erupts everywhere. Before his stiff cock can wilt, I’ve got him between my legs again, and I don’t care if he’s gasping for breath. I need to come in his face. When I finally let him up, I yank his trousers right off and then I spread my legs wide leaving my knickers hanging from my ankle.

    Now do it, stick it in me, I order him. He grabs his hard fuck-tool in his hand and it’s still hard as iron, and then he stares down at my hungry twat.

    Come on, it don’t bite stick your damn cock in me now? I scream.

    Good job no one’s home. Somehow, he manages it, fumbles around until I reach out to slap his bare arse hard.

    Oh yes, fuck yes, that’s it, Rodney, now fuck me hard, I squeal; my slim hips rising up to take every last inch of his pounding dick-length. Well I’ll give him his due; he certainly got the hang of it fast, his rampant weapon driving into me over and over again until he came in my cunt real good.

    So, he then began visiting most days, giving me a real good banging each time. That is, until his brother came home from Uni. It didn’t take long for the guy to cotton onto our daily sex fun, and sure enough, he wanted some of my pussy too. Now then, I’ve got to tell you that I didn’t like him one little bit; he was sly and demanding, and I sensed that he was gonna be big trouble. Anyhow, he managed to catch me home alone one afternoon, sneered at me as I tried to shut the front door on him and then he’d yanked out his fucking big cock.

    Fuck off, I’d screamed, but he just laughed in my face.

    Not good enough huh; you let Rodney do you, now let me bitch, he shouts out, and then he grabs me, pushes me down onto my knees, and then he pushes his dick right at my mouth. I resist but he slaps me, and as I cry out, his cock pushes home, and I gag for some seconds.

    Yeah, that’s it, suck my fucking cock, suck me off slut, he groans, pushing his dick forwards. There was only one thing to do. I sank my teeth into his dick, eliciting a scream from him that rings right around my house.

    Fucking bitch; look what you’ve done, he cries out, staring down at his wounded prick as blood drips through his fingers. I grin, then grab up a stool and

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