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Livre électronique408 pages4 heures


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Healing with Nothing Christic Healing Jesus' Secret, Christic Healing reveals the healing method taught and practiced by Jesus. This hidden and secret knowledge has never before been offered to the public. Jesus' method is a true revelation, by both its extreme simplicity and its great power that enables you with practice to obtain meaningful and lasting healings. In a simple, pleasant and pedagogical way, Das reveals how to rapidly obtain concrete and meaningful results. Yes, you too can discover how to heal yourself and heal others.
Date de sortie22 nov. 2012

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    Jésus'secret - Jean-Pierre Beunas


    Author’s Preface


    The origin of Christic Healing dates back to Jesus. By reading the Gospels you can easily comprehend that Jesus was the Supreme Master of natural healing. Yes, he was, is, and always will be the Supreme Master of healing by laying on of hands, and even without hands, because he healed with Love and with Christic Consciousness.


    The first Christians had perfect knowledge of the mysteries and the secrets of energy healing by laying on of hands, by the Heart and Consciousness. This knowledge has NEVER been lost. It has ALWAYS been available for the past 2000 years to all who wished to serve, relieve suffering, and heal their neighbor.

    Yes, despite the horrific persecutions to which those who knew were victim – like theCathars, the Albigenses, the Vaudois, the Patarins, the Bogomils and all the others – this knowledge has reached us in the year 2000, still fresh, pure, and alive.

    A heartfelt thank you to those who, despite terrible perils, kept this knowledge hidden from the persecutors while transmitting it to the advanced beings who were receptive and knew how to use it to benefit us all.

    So, there is always someone who knows and can transmit theknowledge. But today, 2000 years later, freedom is very fragile and extreme discretion on these secret files is necessary.

    However, this knowledge is available again today in abundance in books, magazines, and conferences the world over. It is also directly accessible!

    Certainly, the most powerful method is that which was taught and practiced by Jesus himself. For thousands of years, he had been the only known Great Master to have practiced Healing so extensively all his life. This is far from being insignificant. It reveals a powerful and very significant message:

    Therefore, you too can heal

    because you too – have the POWER to heal.

    This is extremely clear and obvious when we read about Jesus’ life. His teachings contained many other aspects that have been hidden by Roman emperors and camouflaged by the Catholic Church1 and other pseudo Christian religions1.

    To access this knowledge easily, there are three main methods:

    Access to public knowledge

    Access to guarded, secret knowledge

    Access to knowledge by direct contact with the Masters and guides from other planes.

    Even if you were on a desert island lost in the Pacific, 3333 miles away from the closest restaurant, you could easily access knowledge. For this, all you need is:

    to study the Nectar of Consciousness; or

    to sing the Swan Song; or

    to connect with the Seventh Ray; or

    to practice Christic Healing.

    Christic Healing enables you to heal fast and well with nothing…

    And yet, with NOTHING you obtain NOTHING!... What a shame… Yes, we will heal with nothing material, nothing chemical, nothing costly, nothing electronic, and nothing exterior.

    But, we will heal WITH essential knowledge, WITH the eternal Gnosis in short, we will heal with:

    Jesus’ Secret.

    Christic Healing, Jesus secret, consist of three aspects,easily accessible to all men and women of good will.

    Jesus’ Secret:

    Laying on of hands,

    Opening of the Heart,

    Christic Consciousness.

    To inaugurate the third millennium at the end of Summer 2001, Iam gifting you the Revelation of what shall be, in days to come, a known social phenomenon, practiced by each one of us, everywhere on the planet. Yes, this is Christic Healing that enables us to heal with nothing. Finally:

    The Return of the Healers

    Yes, the Return of the Healers

    with bare hands… who will:

    Heal with Energy,

    Heal with Love,

    Heal with Consciousness.

    Yes, the Healers with bare hands

    will heal with nothing… and it is:

    Jesus’ Secret.

    This is the Return of Christ on Gaia2

    If you want to discover Christic Healing, Jesus’ secret, you will understand the secret of Life. What exactly will you understand? Simply that consciousness is the Master, the only Master, and the real Master. You guide me, you lead me, you direct me, states the Swan Song in its marvelous sutras of supreme realization.

    From there, just let the consciousness flow into your life to profoundly change it.

    This is my wish for all, O Divine Beings of Light. May consciousness be gentle to your heart and Christic Healing, Jesus’ secret, a balm on your life.

    Das, September 16, 2001

    Trois-Rivières, Québec



    A Well-Kept Secret

    Jesus is the indisputable master of healing. His entire life demonstrates this in an amazing way. Two thousand years ago, everywhere he went, he healed. Yes, he healed the blind, the crippled, the lepers, and countless others, well and fast!...

    Everyone in our pseudo-Christian world knows this. Nevertheless, at the dawn of the twenty-first century, healers are persecuted. Yes, gravely persecuted in the name of ridiculous laws and principles forbidding those who have the gift from healing.

    Know that these adherent laws would allow us today to throw Jesus in jail and prosecute him for illegal practice of medicine. The entire western civilization adores Jesus – so they say – but their iniquitous laws would judge and condemn him, should he stroll down the Champs-Élysées healing the sick as he did two thousand years ago.

    Nevertheless, the need for healing is there. Millions of people dream only of healing, of healing at last… Medicine, unable to heal, creates illness and sick people in ever-growing numbers. Medicine does not heal: millions of people experience this bitter reality every day. Their illnesses worsen with their treatments. They become disabled and left hoping for only a miracle to alleviate their sufferings.

    However, today there are a great many ways to restore health and finally return to perfect health if the damage caused by chemical medicine and unnecessary surgeries has not caused permanent damage. Healing is indeed possible and accessible to all. To achieve this, one must comprehend and live according to the principles of holistic medicine. You have to want to heal by returning to health!... In other words, healing comes when we cease to combat illnesses one by one and we seek to re-establish overall health.

    Medicine deals with illness; there is always another illness that will surface and the person is never healed.

    The Christic Healer, like Jesus, regenerates overall health. He strives to restore health to the entire being. Only then does lasting health return.

    Jesus lived and still lives on the causal plane1. He has become the Chohan of the Sixth Ray, the healing and fraternal ray. He now infuses, in abundance, a marvelous consciousness quality to humanity in pain. This grandiose consciousness projected in massive doses into human consciousness brings forth healing for all. Thus the infusion of this consciousness emits healing from the Sixth Ray for everyone. Thus, infusion of this awareness emanates Sixth Ray healing by consciousness, holistic healing, alternative medicine and natural therapies of all kinds.

    The Nectar of Consciousness, throughout these three volumes, reveals the conjugated powerful action of the twelve rays on humanity, the seven rays on everyone’s life and the three rays on universal consciousness. We are living in a marvelous era, witnesses to a strong and powerful return of consciousness in our agonizing world and our broken down society. Yes, really, the return of consciousness is here in massive doses.

    Christic Healing reveals how each one of us can regain wonderful and perfect health by awareness of Christic Consciousness.

    Christic Healing reveals how each one of us can regain wonderful and perfect health through conscious and intelligent use of the methods offered in Jesus’ Secret.

    Christic Healing enables each one of us to restore our health with the happy marriage of Christic Consciousness, the opening of the Heart and the laying on of hands.

    Jesus healed the sick admirably. He had the power to do so because he was in a permanent state of elevated consciousness: Christic Consciousness. This wonderful consciousness is there, here, now, accessible and available to all. Yes, all human beings – men and women, black and white – can access this wonderful consciousness. But you have to know it, want it and then have the power. Then, we must dare and reveal it to all.

    When reading Christic Healing you will know. While studying Christic Healing you will have the power. Yes, you will learn and you will have found the power to heal again. Then health will be yours forever. It all depends on your wanting, if you dare to

    So the art of healing comes above all from a superior state of consciousness. In this state of magnificent consciousness, the Being knows it can heal, knows it must heal. This Christic Consciousness makes him fully conscious of his gifts, faculties and possibilities.

    Christic Consciousness allows him to be permanently aware of his power to heal. Then this Being of Light does not hesitate, he dares to heal. Yes, despite all odds, he heals, despite obscurantism and the pseudo-scientific medical inquisition in this dawn of the twenty-first century.

    In superior states of Christic Consciousness, healing is considered a sacred duty that each has the obligation to offer to all, according to his gifts, his talents and his level of consciousness. Permission to persecute healers, to judge them, jail them and impose heavy fines on them is disgraceful. Yes, all laws limiting the sacred duty of each one of us to alleviate human suffering is shameful.

    Worse yet, these laws are downright criminal. They violate the just and good nature of the Life of the universe, which is all Love and Compassion.

    Yes, healing, the art of healing, is love and compassion. When a Being emerges into consciousness, he reclaims his faculty to heal. When a Being bursts into Christic Consciousness he reclaims his power to heal.

    This is natural, automatic, just and good. It derives from infinite love and grandiose compassion for Life in the universe that incessantly wishes to eliminate all suffering from human life, as well as from all sentient beings. If you grasp this, it will be easy for you to understand that all laws that forbid, persecute or limit healing – everyone’s sacred duty – are illegal and criminal.

    Absolutely all those iniquitous and abhorrent laws that allow throwing Jesus in jail are illegal. The vulgar abusers who profit from human misery do not know that they themselves are criminals. They will find out… of this you can be certain!

    Christic Consciousness is back.

    Christic Healing is back.

    Yes, each one of us can as of now learn to heal with nothing. Christic Healing, healing through consciousness enables healing with nothing.

    Learn how to heal with nothing!...

    This is within everyone’s reach and is offered to all human beings regardless of race, religion, caste, or social rank. Everyone can heal. Yes, everyone can:

    Learn to heal with nothing!...

    Learning is very easy ; all you have to do is cultivate your consciousness and practice the gestures and the method that heals. It is so simple, so easy, that everyone succeeds very rapidly. Except very intelligent people for whom Christic Healing is far too simple… and who don’t even try it…

    Christic Healing works very well and quickly. Astonishing results appear rapidly. But, no one should expect a miracle in three days. For this, one has to have returned to the level of consciousness that was Jesus’.

    Recovering Jesus’ state of consciousness is accessible to all. This is the beautiful and glorious destiny of all women and all men. The Nectar of Consciousness reveals profound knowledge that enables one to reach the most elevated states of consciousness.

    If you combine the study of Christic Healing with the study of consciousness, you will emerge rapidly into a superior state of consciousness where your life will be radically transformed for the better. From the sublime heights of your magnificent consciousness you will practice Christic Healing with increasing success and speed. May success not go to your head! Yes, do not mistake yourself for Jesus himself. Of course you are Christ — as each one of us is — but not Jesus. Do you understand? Do you really understand?

    O admirable Being of Light, discover the Path to Consciousness, discover Christic Healing and:

    Learn to heal with nothing!…

    I am aware that human suffering is an ocean of tears. I know very well that many human beings will not even try Christic Healing. For all those who need healing and lasting relief, there are only three possible choices: chemical medicine, alternative medicine, or Christic Healing. Choose, choose well, choose to heal and not to suffer anymore…

    Yes, holistic medicine, with all its alternative medicines, is the veritable alternative to the failure of chemical medicine and surgery. The twenty-first century will be that of the return of holistic medicine, enabling everyone to reclaim his or her health.

    This is wanted, deeply wanted by Jesus, master of healing, Chohan of the Sixth Ray, the Healing ray.

    This is wanted deeply also by the Chohans of the twelve rays and by Maha Chohan himself.

    Yes, the entire higher spiritual Hierarchy2 up to the dearly beloved Helios and Vesta, our solar logo, wants it this way.

    Each and every one of us can now learn to heal with nothing by practicing Christic Healing. Each and every one of us can also discover all the natural medicine, alternative healing and holistic resources. And so, the combination of natural methods and healing with consciousness will enable us all to heal and heal easily, pleasantly, naturally, and above of all, very rapidly.

    Yes, utilize all that you are. Yes, utilize all the means that life offers you and heal yourself. Then joyous, sparkling with consciousness, radiating light, heal with Christic Healing. Yes, O Beings of Light, heal with nothing.

    Heal with Nothing!...

    through Christic Healing.

    With Jesus’ Secret, you have a real working tool that will allow you to take action. Yes, you can ACT very rapidly and obtain surprising results very rapidly.

    The eternal Gnosis, with the Nectar of Consciousness, reveals — among other things — surprising knowledge: the end of the cycle. Our era, which is at the dawn of the twenty-first century, is situated at the end of a major cycle. This produces rapid changes and radical upheavals in the life of the planet. Indeed, society is infused with massive doses of the Christic Consciousness.

    Christic Consciousness is back!...

    So, you will understand that it is accompanied by numerous very beneficial manifestations for humanity. Christic Healing is one of thousands of gifts brought by:

    the Return of Christ on Gaïa3.

    You can therefore heal with nothing by practicing Christic Healing. The miserably ignorant: political, medical, scientific or religious, who would dare oppose this freedom will be crushed by the new social consciousness and they will join the latecomers elsewhere. Now you, beautiful Beings of Light, you beautiful Friends of the Sun, you can infuse yourselves with streams of Christic Consciousness.

    Yes, you can heal with nothing.

    The lovely healers with bare hands, with hands full of prana, Hearts spilling with love, and consciousness saturated with light, spreading Christic Healing to all of humanity.


    See the lovely healers saturated

    with light and consciousness;

    see the beautiful Healers steeped

    in light and consciousness;

    AND MAY YOU UNDERSTAND ALL… that is really going on on this planet. Yes, may you grasp the emergence of a grandiose reality, the upsurgence of Christic Consciousness within you and in all of humanity.

    O Friends of Light, the day is dawning and you are already up!...

    Christic Healing

    Jesus’ Secret

    • Laying on of hands

    By the laying on of hands, THE ENERGY raises the vibrational frequency of the etheric body. The faster the vibration, the faster health returns.

    • Opening of the Heart

    Through the heart center (chakra 4), a flow of Love, energy and consciousness. The four bodies are stimulated and perfect health returns.

    • Christic Consciousness

    In a state of FULLNESS of Christic Consciousness, a global vision of the Supreme, in the consciousness of Divine REALITY, the vision of total perfection of the Being manifests itself. Healing is instantaneous.


    Laying on of Hands

    Seven Aspects of the Power of Hands

    This book, Jesus’ Secret — Christic Healing, reveals the fundamental principles of natural healing. You will discover the essential key that allows the POWER of healing to flow from your being.

    Once you have understood, then grasped, then of course you will practice and use the unique principal. This way, you will heal thanks to the POWER that will emanate from you. Once you are aware of your healing POWER, you will know that you can heal, you will know how to heal.

    Then you will practice Christic Healing and your healings will be more powerful, rapid and lasting. Strength, Love and Consciousness will ALWAYS flow to assist you. It will always be the right way and always the right time.

    Christic Healing enables you to return to the source, to essentials and to stop scattering yourself. Thus, centered, Will, Love and Consciousness will manifest spontaneously.

    This understood, healing then comes…

    Christic Healing does not aim to combat illness, nor try to eliminate it. Not at all. The proposed approach aims essentially at regenerating vitality and increasing the energy of the Being open enough to receive it.

    This understood, healing then comes…

    1. The Industry is against it.

    The medical and pharmaceutical industries DO NOT WANT1 you to heal with nothing. The cruel dominators would lose millions of dollars… they would lose millions of euros… The entire mercantile system on the planet prefers you to be ill… A diseased humanity is lucrative and profitable ; it pays someone big money. With your illness, some get very rich.

    If you are healthy, you are not profitable to the industry. You do not consume vaccines or antibiotics or pills or suppositories. In short, you do not consume! For the industry, you are a living horror... and healthy...

    Furthermore — and this is grave — you're a very bad example to those around you…There is always someone asking you why you don’t have a cold. Or why you are always in good physical shape and smiling. Or why you have such a good libido at your age…

    In addition — and this is just as grave — you are very generous with your advice. You say crazy things, like: Why don’t you drink warm water three times a day to clean out your liver and your blood, it’s more effective that pills. Or you say,I will give you many methods to restore your immune system naturally and you will never need antibiotics again."

    To the medical pharmaceutical industry you are annoying. And you are preventing them from earning millions on the backs of a docile and sickly population. Thus, we understand that certain countries — like France — have anti-sect laws emerging to try to stop natural healing. How strange this is, this amalgam: sect, New Age, spirituality, consciousness, alternative medicine, natural healing.

    The anti-sect laws systematically combat ALL that does not profit the industry of slow death by chemical intoxication. It persecutes even those who grow vegetables with nothing2…

    Medicine and the pharmaceutical industry understand healing and health… As much as a monkey understands philosophy and mathematics…

    In short, let’s put aside — for the time being — those poor, moronic dominators who harm humanity. Yes, let’s put aside the dominators, those Latecomers who will reap the just salary for domination…

    2. The Power of Hands

    Let’s come back to you, wonderful Being of Light, to you, an adorable divine light, and let’s work at returning to being conscious of our natural healing abilities.

    Christic Healing is a natural ability that every woman in the world possesses. Men also, obviously.

    All human beings on this planet possess a very

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