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Promouvoir une prospérité partagée au Tchad: Voies et préalables dans un pays enclavé en proie à  la fragilité et aux conflits
Promouvoir une prospérité partagée au Tchad: Voies et préalables dans un pays enclavé en proie à  la fragilité et aux conflits
Promouvoir une prospérité partagée au Tchad: Voies et préalables dans un pays enclavé en proie à  la fragilité et aux conflits
Livre électronique88 pages2 heures

Promouvoir une prospérité partagée au Tchad: Voies et préalables dans un pays enclavé en proie à  la fragilité et aux conflits

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Chad remains among the least developed countries in the world, and its GDP per capita has contracted since 2015, preventing the country from reducing poverty and improving development outcomes. Progress on reducing poverty has stalled and the number of extreme poor has increased, with both trends exacerbated by the COVID-19 pandemic.

This Systematic Country Diagnostic (SCD) is an update of a 2015 SCD and confirms that economic growth and poverty reduction continue to be hindered by the same constraints that were previously identified: weak human capital and slow demographic transition, low productivity, low incomes from economic activity in rural areas, insufficient and volatile infrastructure investments, high gender inequality, and weak public administration services. To these it adds three more: insecurity and conflict, inadequate macroeconomic management of economic shocks, and vulnerability to climate change, which increasingly undermine progress.

The success of reform efforts will depend on the country’s ability to address the drivers of fragility, conflict, and violence; adapt to climate change; promote an adequate macro-fiscal framework; and create a business-friendly regulatory environment. Pathways to accelerate poverty reduction focus on strengthening human capital, improving infrastructure, and developing sectors with strategic advantages.
Date de sortie31 janv. 2023
Promouvoir une prospérité partagée au Tchad: Voies et préalables dans un pays enclavé en proie à  la fragilité et aux conflits

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    Promouvoir une prospérité partagée au Tchad - Fulbert Tchana Tchana

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