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Michel Strogoff
Michel Strogoff
Michel Strogoff
Livre électronique428 pages6 heures

Michel Strogoff

Évaluation : 4 sur 5 étoiles



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À propos de ce livre électronique

Une édition de référence de Michel Strogoff de Jules Verne, spécialement conçue pour la lecture sur les supports numériques.

« – Sire, une nouvelle dépêche.

– D’où vient-elle ?

– De Tomsk.

– Le fil est coupé au-delà de cette ville ?

– Il est coupé depuis hier.

– D’heure en heure, général, fais passer un télégramme à Tomsk, et que l’on me tienne au courant.

– Oui, Sire, répondit le général Kissoff.

Ces paroles étaient échangées à deux heures du matin, au moment où la fête, donnée au Palais-Neuf, était dans toute sa magnificence. »

Date de sortie1 janv. 2012

Jules Verne

Jules Verne (1828-1905) was a French novelist, poet and playwright. Verne is considered a major French and European author, as he has a wide influence on avant-garde and surrealist literary movements, and is also credited as one of the primary inspirations for the steampunk genre. However, his influence does not stop in the literary sphere. Verne’s work has also provided invaluable impact on scientific fields as well. Verne is best known for his series of bestselling adventure novels, which earned him such an immense popularity that he is one of the world’s most translated authors.

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Avis sur Michel Strogoff

Évaluation : 3.7964426877470356 sur 5 étoiles

253 notations2 avis

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  • Évaluation : 3 sur 5 étoiles
    It is the 19th century. Michael Strogoff is a courier for the Czar, and is tasked with bringing a letter to the Czar's brother in Siberia. This is a very long journey, and there is peril, as there have been uprisings along the way. Michael is travelling under a pseudonym. It was ok. I found sections more interesting that included the women characters in the book: Nadia, who Micheal meets part-way; she is also travelling to Siberia; and his mother, who he is supposed to avoid, so as not to reveal who he really is.
  • Évaluation : 5 sur 5 étoiles
    This was an amazing book by Jules Verne. Not only was I taken along for the wild ride across Russia with all of the things it had to offer, but the twist I did not see coming and it managed to propel me towards the climax of the story and imbue the ending with so much grandeur. This is a darker Verne book, yet one that will surely be remembered and that I felt had a very strong plot-line, characters, and descriptions. Overall, a great novel!4.5 stars!