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Le Dernier Jour d'un condamné
Le Dernier Jour d'un condamné
Le Dernier Jour d'un condamné
Livre électronique159 pages2 heures

Le Dernier Jour d'un condamné

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À la prison de Bicêtre, un condamné à mort note heure par heure les événements d'une journée dont il apprend qu'elle sera la dernière. Il rappelle les circonstances de la sentence, puis de son emprisonnement et la raison qui le fait écrire, jusqu'au moment où il lui sera physiquement impossible de continuer. Décrivant sa cellule, détaillant la progression de la journée, évoquant d'horribles souvenirs comme le ferrement des forçats, la complainte argotique d'une jeune fille, des rêves, il en arrive au transfert à la Conciergerie....

Hugo ne donne pas son nom, ne dit presque rien sur son passé, ni pourquoi cet homme est emprisonné. Peu importe ! Ce texte est un plaidoyer contre la peine de mort, contre toutes les peines de mort, il n'a pour objet que cette mort qui apparaît dans toute son horreur inouïe et impensable, dans son inhumanité intrinsèque. Ce condamné «anonyme», n'est personne, et donc tout le monde, et nous vivons sa peur et son Enfer.
ÉditeurVictor Hugo
Date de sortie2 juil. 2016

Victor Hugo

Victor Hugo (1802-1885) was a French poet and novelist. Born in Besançon, Hugo was the son of a general who served in the Napoleonic army. Raised on the move, Hugo was taken with his family from one outpost to the next, eventually setting with his mother in Paris in 1803. In 1823, he published his first novel, launching a career that would earn him a reputation as a leading figure of French Romanticism. His Gothic novel The Hunchback of Notre-Dame (1831) was a bestseller throughout Europe, inspiring the French government to restore the legendary cathedral to its former glory. During the reign of King Louis-Philippe, Hugo was elected to the National Assembly of the French Second Republic, where he spoke out against the death penalty and poverty while calling for public education and universal suffrage. Exiled during the rise of Napoleon III, Hugo lived in Guernsey from 1855 to 1870. During this time, he published his literary masterpiece Les Misérables (1862), a historical novel which has been adapted countless times for theater, film, and television. Towards the end of his life, he advocated for republicanism around Europe and across the globe, cementing his reputation as a defender of the people and earning a place at Paris’ Panthéon, where his remains were interred following his death from pneumonia. His final words, written on a note only days before his death, capture the depth of his belief in humanity: “To love is to act.”

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    Le Dernier Jour d'un condamné - Victor Hugo

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