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Livre électronique151 pages2 heures


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J'étais au milieu de ma course, et j'avais déjà perdu la bonne voie, lorsque je me trouvai dans une forêt obscure, dont le souvenir me trouble encore et m'épouvante.
Certes, il serait dur de dire quelle était cette forêt sauvage, profonde et ténébreuse, où j'ai tant éprouvé d'angoisses, que la mort seule me sera plus amère: mais c'est par ses âpres sentiers que je suis parvenu à de hautes connaissances, que je veux révéler, en racontant les choses dont mon oeil fut témoin.
Je ne puis rappeler le moment où je m'engageai dans la forêt périlleuse, tant ma léthargie fut profonde! mais je marchais avec effroi dans des gorges obscures, lorsque j'atteignis le pied d'une colline qui les terminait; et, levant mes yeux en haut, je vis que son front s'éclairait déjà des premiers rayons de l'astre qui guide l'homme dans sa route.
Date de sortie30 mars 2016

Dante Alighieri

Dante Alighieri (1265-1321) was an Italian poet. Born in Florence, Dante was raised in a family loyal to the Guelphs, a political faction in support of the Pope and embroiled in violent conflict with the opposing Ghibellines, who supported the Holy Roman Emperor. Promised in marriage to Gemma di Manetto Donati at the age of 12, Dante had already fallen in love with Beatrice Portinari, whom he would represent as a divine figure and muse in much of his poetry. After fighting with the Guelph cavalry at the Battle of Campaldino in 1289, Dante returned to Florence to serve as a public figure while raising his four young children. By this time, Dante had met the poets Guido Cavalcanti, Lapo Gianni, Cino da Pistoia, and Brunetto Latini, all of whom contributed to the burgeoning aesthetic movement known as the dolce stil novo, or “sweet new style.” The New Life (1294) is a book composed of prose and verse in which Dante explores the relationship between romantic love and divine love through the lens of his own infatuation with Beatrice. Written in the Tuscan vernacular rather than Latin, The New Life was influential in establishing a standardized Italian language. In 1302, following the violent fragmentation of the Guelph faction into the White and Black Guelphs, Dante was permanently exiled from Florence. Over the next two decades, he composed The Divine Comedy (1320), a lengthy narrative poem that would bring him enduring fame as Italy’s most important literary figure.

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    L'enfer - Dante Alighieri

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